RepairThemAll Experiment

This repository contains the raw results of the execution of 11 repair tools on 5 bug benchmarks presented in the following paper:

  author    = {Thomas Durieux and Fernanda Madeiral and Matias Martinez and Rui Abreu},
  title     = {{Empirical Review of Java Program Repair Tools: A Large-Scale Experiment on 2,141 Bugs and 23,551 Repair Attempts}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '19)},
  year      = {2019},
  url       = {}

The execution framework that has been used is available at:

Repository Structure

The repository is structured as follow:

├── docs: content for the website
├── results: 
│   └── <benchmark>
│       └── <project>
│           └── <bug_id>
│               └── <repair tool>
│                   └── <seed>
│                       ├── grid5k.stderr.log: stderr of the execution
│                       ├── grid5k.stdout.log: stdout of the execution (without the repair)
│                       ├── repair.log: repair log
│                       ├── result.json: sandardize output 
│                       └── detailed-result.json: raw output of the repair tool, if it generates a json file
└── script
    └── the script that are used to generate the table for the paper

Patched Bugs

The data of this repository is also available as a website:

Repair Tools Bears Bugs.jar Defects4J IntroClassJava QuixBugs Total
ARJA 12 (4%) 21 (1%) 86 (21%) 23 (7%) 4 (10%) 146 (6%)
GenProg-A 1 (0%) 9 (0%) 45 (11%) 18 (6%) 4 (10%) 77 (3%)
Kali-A 15 (5%) 24 (2%) 72 (18%) 5 (1%) 2 (5%) 118 (5%)
RSRepair-A 1 (0%) 6 (0%) 62 (15%) 22 (7%) 4 (10%) 95 (4%)
Cardumen 13 (5%) 12 (1%) 17 (4%) 0 (0%) 4 (10%) 46 (2%)
jGenProg 13 (5%) 14 (1%) 31 (7%) 4 (1%) 3 (7%) 65 (3%)
jKali 10 (3%) 8 (0%) 27 (6%) 5 (1%) 2 (5%) 52 (2%)
jMutRepair 7 (2%) 11 (0%) 20 (5%) 24 (8%) 3 (7%) 65 (3%)
Nopol 1 (0%) 72 (6%) 107 (27%) 32 (10%) 1 (2%) 213 (9%)
DynaMoth 0 (0%) 124 (10%) 74 (18%) 6 (2%) 2 (5%) 206 (9%)
NPEFix 1 (0%) 3 (0%) 9 (2%) 0 (0%) 2 (5%) 15 (0%)
Total 74 304 550 139 31 1,098
Total unique 25 (9%) 175 (15%) 185 (46%) 62 (20%) 12 (30%) 459 (21%)

Total generated patch: 67,211

Execution time 314 days, 12:29:19.419491

Chi-square Test of independence

# Patched # Non-Patched
ARJA on Defects4J 86 309
ARJA on Others 60 1686

Chi2 value= 170.43487132271886 p-value= 5.945480330471514e-39 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
GenProg-A on Defects4J 45 350
GenProg-A on Others 32 1714

Chi2 value= 84.90652479289551 p-value= 3.128091736130167e-20 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
Kali-A on Defects4J 72 323
Kali-A on Others 46 1700

Chi2 value= 150.4020168750391 p-value= 1.4160845009256217e-34 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
RSRepair-A on Defects4J 62 333
RSRepair-A on Others 33 1713

Chi2 value= 144.80217516680622 p-value= 2.372523759882535e-33 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
Cardumen on Defects4J 17 378
Cardumen on Others 29 1717

Chi2 value= 10.701973234378928 p-value= 0.0010702132907778191 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
jGenProg on Defects4J 31 364
jGenProg on Others 34 1712

Chi2 value= 38.10114926497659 p-value= 6.717055566199569e-10 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
jKali on Defects4J 27 368
jKali on Others 25 1721

Chi2 value= 39.69012031778793 p-value= 2.976273080413384e-10 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
jMutRepair on Defects4J 20 375
jMutRepair on Others 45 1701

Chi2 value= 6.76253623850222 p-value= 0.009309135821381086 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
Nopol on Defects4J 107 288
Nopol on Others 106 1640

Chi2 value= 158.83167769741897 p-value= 2.036659201530019e-36 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
DynaMoth on Defects4J 74 321
DynaMoth on Others 132 1614

Chi2 value= 46.25197019724452 p-value= 1.0398193445599021e-11 Degrees of freedom= 1

# Patched # Non-Patched
NPEFix on Defects4J 9 386
NPEFix on Others 6 1740

Chi2 value= 17.333764012540335 p-value= 3.1356574417361234e-05 Degrees of freedom= 1