Components and decorators to connect react with inversify.
- 3
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- 1
- 2
Didn't work with react 18
#15 opened by AndreiDavidchyk - 1
Error on npm install after 0.4.2
#12 opened by jjavierdguezas - 1
- 4
optional resolve
#10 opened by fljot - 5
Uncaught TypeError is not a function
#9 opened by CROSP - 1
SSR "window is not defined"
#8 opened by t-l-k - 1
- 2
working in parallel with redux provider
#6 opened by veeramarni - 2
using inversify-inject-decorators
#5 opened by veeramarni - 1
Fail on invalid service identifier
#2 opened by Kukkimonsuta - 1
build fails
#1 opened by veeramarni