
Outlier Detection Thresholding

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Python Outlier Detection Thresholding (PyThresh) V1

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PyThresh is a comprehensive and scalable Python toolkit for thresholding outlier detection likelihood scores in univariate/multivariate data. It has been written to work in tandem with PyOD and has similar syntax and data structures. However, it is not limited to this single library. PyThresh is meant to threshold likelihood scores generated by an outlier detector. It thresholds these likelihood scores and replaces the need to set a contamination level or have the user guess the amount of outliers that may exist in the dataset beforehand. These non-parametric methods were written to reduce the user's input/guess work and rather rely on statistics instead to threshold outlier likelihood scores. For thresholding to be applied correctly, the outlier detection likelihood scores must follow this rule: the higher the score, the higher the probability that it is an outlier in the dataset. All threshold functions return a binary array where inliers and outliers are represented by a 0 and 1 respectively.

PyThresh includes more than 30 thresholding algorithms. These algorithms range from using simple statistical analysis like the Z-score to more complex mathematical methods that involve graph theory and topology.

What's New in PyThresh V1

The transition of PyThresh to V1 sees many new features!

Sklearn Compatibility:

  • The fit and predict methods have been introduced, enhancing alignment with Sklearn compatibility.
  • These methods allow a thresholder to be fitted on training data and evaluated on unseen data using the predict method.
  • Previously,this functionality was cumbersome to implement using the eval method.
  • Full backward compatibility with the eval method has been maintained.
  • Checks ensure that results remain consistent between <V1 and V1.
  • The BaseEstimator has been integrated into the BaseThresholder.
  • This addition provides enhanced Sklearn compatibility to all thresholders and better integration with existing Sklearn pipelines.

Reproducibility Enhancements:

  • All thresholders now include a random seed to ensure better reproducibility.
  • Previously, some components in the thresholders differed due to randomness.

Improved Testing and Examples:

  • Much more robust tests have been added to ensure the functionality and reliability of the code.
  • These tests enhance confidence in the correctness of the implementation and prevent regressions.
  • All examples have been updated and new jupyter notebooks have been added to introduce all the capabilities of PyThresh

Documentation & Citing

Visit PyThresh Docs for full documentation or see below for a quickstart installation and usage example.

To cite this work you can visit PyThresh Citation

Outlier Detection Thresholding with 8 Lines of Code:

# train the KNN detector
from pyod.models.knn import KNN
from pythresh.thresholds.karch import KARCH

clf = KNN()

# get outlier likelihood scores
decision_scores = clf.decision_scores_

# get outlier labels
thres = KARCH()

labels = thres.labels_ # or thres.predict(decision_scores)

or using multiple outlier detection score sets

# train multiple detectors
from pyod.models.knn import KNN
from pyod.models.pca import PCA
from pyod.models.iforest import IForest
from pythresh.thresholds.karch import KARCH

clfs = [KNN(), IForest(), PCA()]

# get outlier likelihood scores for each detector
scores = [clf.fit(X_train).decision_scores_ for clf in clfs]

scores = np.vstack(scores).T

# get outlier labels
thres = KARCH()

labels = thres.labels_ # or thres.predict(decision_scores)


It is recommended to use pip or conda for installation:

pip install pythresh            # normal install
pip install --upgrade pythresh  # or update if needed
conda install -c conda-forge pythresh

Alternatively, you can get the version with the latest updates by cloning the repo and run setup.py file:

git clone https://github.com/KulikDM/pythresh.git
cd pythresh
pip install .

Or with pip:

pip install https://github.com/KulikDM/pythresh/archive/main.zip

Required Dependencies:

  • numpy>=1.13
  • pyod
  • scipy>=1.3.1
  • scikit_learn>=0.20.0

Optional Dependencies:

  • pyclustering (used in the CLUST thresholder)
  • ruptures (used in the CPD thresholder)
  • scikit-lego (used in the META thresholder)
  • joblib>=0.14.1 (used in the META thresholder and RANK)
  • pandas (used in the META thresholder)
  • torch (used in the VAE thresholder)
  • tqdm (used in the VAE thresholder)
  • xgboost>=2.0.0 (used in the RANK)

API Cheatsheet

  • eval(score): evaluate a single outlier or multiple outlier detection likelihood score set (Legacy method).
  • fit(score): fit a thresholder for a single outlier or multiple outlier detection likelihood score set.
  • predict(score): predict the binary labels using the fitted thresholder on a single outlier or multiple outlier detection likelihood score set

Key Attributes of threshold:

  • thresh_: Return the threshold value that separates inliers from outliers. Outliers are considered all values above this threshold value. Note the threshold value has been derived from likelihood scores normalized between 0 and 1.
  • labels_: A binary array of labels for the fitted thresholder on the fitted dataset.
  • confidence_interval_: Return the lower and upper confidence interval of the contamination level. Only applies to the COMB thresholder.
  • dscores_: 1D array of the TruncatedSVD decomposed decision scores if multiple outlier detector score sets are passed.
  • mixture_: fitted mixture model class of the selected model used for thresholding. Only applies to MIXMOD. Attributes include: components, weights, params. Functions include: fit, loglikelihood, pdf, and posterior.

External Feature Cases

Towards Data Science: Thresholding Outlier Detection Scores with PyThresh

Towards Data Science: When Outliers are Significant: Weighted Linear Regression

ArXiv: Estimating the Contamination Factor's Distribution in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection.

Available Thresholding Algorithms

Abbr Description References Documentation
AUCP Area Under Curve Percentage [1] pythresh.thresholds.aucp module
BOOT Bootstrapping [2] pythresh.thresholds.boot module
CHAU Chauvenet's Criterion [3] pythresh.thresholds.chau module
CLF Trained Linear Classifier [4] pythresh.thresholds.clf module
CLUST Clustering Based [5] pythresh.thresholds.clust module
CPD Change Point Detection [6] pythresh.thresholds.cpd module
DECOMP Decomposition [7] pythresh.thresholds.decomp module
DSN Distance Shift from Normal [8] pythresh.thresholds.dsn module
EB Elliptical Boundary [9] pythresh.thresholds.eb module
FGD Fixed Gradient Descent [10] pythresh.thresholds.fgd module
FILTER Filtering Based [11] pythresh.thresholds.filter module
FWFM Full Width at Full Minimum [12] pythresh.thresholds.fwfm module
GAMGMM Bayesian Gamma GMM [13] pythresh.thresholds.gamgmm module
GESD Generalized Extreme Studentized Deviate [14] pythresh.thresholds.gesd module
HIST Histogram Based [15] pythresh.thresholds.hist module
IQR Inter-Quartile Region [16] pythresh.thresholds.iqr module
KARCH Karcher mean (Riemannian Center of Mass) [17] pythresh.thresholds.karch module
MAD Median Absolute Deviation [18] pythresh.thresholds.mad module
MCST Monte Carlo Shapiro Tests [19] pythresh.thresholds.mcst module
META Meta-model Trained Classifier [20] pythresh.thresholds.meta module
MIXMOD Normal & Non-Normal Mixture Models [21] pythresh.thresholds.mixmod module
MOLL Friedrichs' Mollifier [22] [23] pythresh.thresholds.moll module
MTT Modified Thompson Tau Test [24] pythresh.thresholds.mtt module
OCSVM One-Class Support Vector Machine [25] pythresh.thresholds.ocsvm module
QMCD Quasi-Monte Carlo Discrepancy [26] pythresh.thresholds.qmcd module
REGR Regression Based [27] pythresh.thresholds.regr module
VAE Variational Autoencoder [28] pythresh.thresholds.vae module
WIND Topological Winding Number [29] pythresh.thresholds.wind module
YJ Yeo-Johnson Transformation [30] pythresh.thresholds.yj module
ZSCORE Z-score [31] pythresh.thresholds.zscore module
COMB Thresholder Combination None pythresh.thresholds.comb module

Implementations, Benchmarks, & Utilities

The comparison among implemented models and general implementation is made available below

Additional benchmarking has been done on all the thresholders and it was found that the MIXMOD thresholder performed best while the CLF thresholder provided the smallest uncertainty about its mean and is the most robust (best least accurate prediction). However, for interpretability and general performance the MIXMOD, FILTER, and META thresholders are good fits.

Further utilities are available for assisting in the selection of the most optimal outlier detection and thresholding methods ranking as well as determining the confidence with regards to the selected thresholding method thresholding confidence

Tutorial Notebooks

Notebook Description
Introduction Basic intro into outlier thresholding
Advanced Thresholding Additional thresholding options for more advanced use
Threshold Confidence Calculating the confidence levels around the threshold point
Outlier Ranking Assisting in selecting the best performing outlier and thresholding method combo using ranking

A quick look at all the thresholders performance can be found at Compare Thresholders



Anyone is welcome to contribute to PyThresh:

  • Please share your ideas and ask questions by opening an issue.
  • To contribute, first check the Issue list for the "help wanted" tag and comment on the one that you are interested in. The issue will then be assigned to you.
  • If the bug, feature, or documentation change is novel (not in the Issue list), you can either log a new issue or create a pull request for the new changes.
  • To start, fork the main branch and add your improvement/modification/fix.
  • To make sure the code has the same style and standard, please refer to qmcd.py for example.
  • Create a pull request to the main branch and follow the pull request template PR template
  • Please make sure that all code changes are accompanied with proper new/updated test functions. Automatic tests will be triggered. Before the pull request can be merged, make sure that all the tests pass.


Please Note not all references' exact methods have been employed in PyThresh. Rather, the references serve to demonstrate the validity of the threshold types available in PyThresh.

[1]A Robust AUC Maximization Framework With Simultaneous Outlier Detection and Feature Selection for Positive-Unlabeled Classification
[2]An evaluation of bootstrap methods for outlier detection in least squares regression
[3]Chauvenet's Test in the Classical Theory of Errors
[4]Linear Models for Outlier Detection
[5]Cluster Analysis for Outlier Detection
[6]Changepoint Detection in the Presence of Outliers
[7]Influence functions and outlier detection under the common principal components model: A robust approach
[8]Fast and Exact Outlier Detection in Metric Spaces: A Proximity Graph-based Approach
[9]Elliptical Insights: Understanding Statistical Methods through Elliptical Geometry
[10]Iterative gradient descent for outlier detection
[11]Filtering Approaches for Dealing with Noise in Anomaly Detection
[12]Sparse Auto-Regressive: Robust Estimation of AR Parameters
[13]Estimating the Contamination Factor's Distribution in Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
[14]An adjusted Grubbs' and generalized extreme studentized deviation
[15]Effective Histogram Thresholding Techniques for Natural Images Using Segmentation
[16]A new non-parametric detector of univariate outliers for distributions with unbounded support
[17]Riemannian center of mass and mollifier smoothing
[18]Periodicity Detection of Outlier Sequences Using Constraint Based Pattern Tree with MAD
[19]Testing normality in the presence of outliers
[20]Automating Outlier Detection via Meta-Learning
[21]Application of Mixture Models to Threshold Anomaly Scores
[22]Riemannian center of mass and mollifier smoothing
[23]Using the mollifier method to characterize datasets and models: The case of the Universal Soil Loss Equation
[24]Towards a More Reliable Interpretation of Machine Learning Outputs for Safety-Critical Systems using Feature Importance Fusion
[25]Rule extraction in unsupervised anomaly detection for model explainability: Application to OneClass SVM
[26]Deterministic and quasi-random sampling of optimized Gaussian mixture distributions for vibronic Monte Carlo
[27]Linear Models for Outlier Detection
[28]Likelihood Regret: An Out-of-Distribution Detection Score For Variational Auto-encoder
[29]Robust Inside-Outside Segmentation Using Generalized Winding Numbers
[30]Transforming variables to central normality
[31]Multiple outlier detection tests for parametric models