The official code of HeadArtist: Text-conditioned 3D Head Generation with Self Score Distillation
- 87003697The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- amadeuzou
- AndyWangZHLightIllusions
- camenduru🥪tost.ai
- ChengBinJinGuangzhou, China
- CQFIOSilicon Valley & Hong Kong
- csqiangwenHKUST
- DuotunGuangzhou
- encounter1997China
- fly51flyPRIS
- HengyuMengSCUT
- iakashpaul
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- JesseZhang92
- JingyeChenMicrosoft Research Asia
- jinkun-haoSJTU
- KumapowerLIUHKUST
- lishaoxu1994Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- lizhiqi49Zhejiang University & Westlake University
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- MoonUniverseshanghai
- n-w-a
- ninjasaid2k
- raywzyHong Kong SAR, China
- RiqzzHITsz, L1806
- rlczddl
- SmashinFries@KuzuLabz
- timegate
- UglyStupidHonestHaarlem Netherlands
- UMGrain
- VanessikMPI-IS
- wangys8363
- Xuanmeng-ZhangUniversity of Technology Sydney
- yanglin202107
- YudongGuoUSTC
- YuliangXiuMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems