FeetSoe E-Commerce Website

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FeetSoe is a full-stack e-commerce website developed for footwear enthusiasts. It offers a wide range of footwear products, a secure user authentication system, and a seamless shopping experience.Built using HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Express.js, EJS, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), MongoDB, Postman, and the cyclic framework, FeetSoe aims to showcase an extensive collection of footwear while ensuring a seamless user experience.


  • User Authentication: Secure registration and login using JWT.
  • Product Catalog: Extensive collection of footwear products with detailed descriptions and images.
  • Product Search: Quick and easy product discovery through a search feature.
  • Shopping Cart: Add and manage products in your cart (under development).
  • Checkout: Streamlined checkout process for a seamless shopping experience (under development).

Installation and Usage

For access and usage details, please contact the project administrator at:


This project is not open source and is subject to specific licensing terms. Unauthorized distribution and use are prohibited.