
This is my website having 4 pages( i.e Home, About ,Login, Signup).I used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP5 and JQUERY. I deployed it over NETLIFY.


This is a website having four pages:

  • Home
  • About
  • Login
  • SignUp

Stacks used are mentioned below:

  1. HTML
  2. CSS


The Link of the Website:-https://nerddytechh.com

This website is full dedicated to the solution of the problems faced by students. The problems could be of any type whether it is related to Academics, Mental Health or Physical Health. It has few sections like: "Tech-dive"(It helps to make you updated with latest technologies and tools and "blogs"(In this I encountered topics like:-Procrastination, pschycological problems and much more.The Website is fully Responsive. To make it more attractive I included several animated sections using javascript and css very efficiently.

Sections of My website(i.e Nerdy)

Home Page

This is the homepage of my website which has this and eye catching animated background which totally goes with the whole color scheme. It has sections like "Tech-dive"(for tech-arcticles) and "blogs"(for reading enthusiast). It has carousel(slide-show) which is full of information and buttons. Click On those buttons and see the magic.I used bootstrap5 for some of the sections along with jquery and css to make them more interesting.



This is About page of nerdy in which you can read the whole backstory behind the idea of this website. I also covered my journey of learning webd


Sign Up

This is the Sign Up page having a beautiful rainbow image as a cover.Moreover, It has this beautiful animated background behind image which is completely coded in javasrcipt. It is without backend but soon I'll complete it too.



This is the Login page in which I used animations also it has gradient background which looks perfect along with an offcanvas navbar. Again its also with backend but soon I will complete it for sure.


It is completely responsive and I deployed it over "Netlify"
