You can see the project at or
The INI header-only library for Modern C++ supports reading and writing, even writing comments. It is easy to use and can help simplify the process of working with INI files.
simple to use with C++11 or latter
#include "inicpp.hpp"
int main()
// Load and parse the INI file.
inicpp::iniReader _ini("config.ini");
std::cout << _ini["rtsp"]["port"] << std::endl;
#include "inicpp.hpp"
int main()
// Load and parse the INI file.
inicpp::iniReader _ini("config.ini");
std::cout << _ini["rtsp"]["port"] << std::endl;
#include "inicpp.hpp"
int main()
// Load and parse the INI file.
inicpp::iniReader _ini("config.ini");
_ini.modify("rtsp","port","554","this is the listen port for rtsp server");
std::cout << _ini["rtsp"]["port"] << std::endl;
#include "inicpp.hpp"
int main()
// Load and parse the INI file.
inicpp::iniReader _ini("config.ini");
_ini.modify("rtsp","port","554","this is the listen port for rtsp server");
std::cout << _ini["rtsp"]["port"] << std::endl;
// Convert to string, default is string
std::string http_port_s = _ini["http"].toString("port");
std::cout << "to string:\thttp.port = " << http_port_s << std::endl;
// Convert to double
double http_port_d = _ini["http"].toDouble("port");
std::cout << "to double:\thttp.port = " << http_port_d << std::endl;
// Convert to int
int http_port_i = _ini["http"].toInt("port");
std::cout << "to int:\t\thttp.port = " << http_port_i << std::endl;
* 5.For a full example, see example/main.cpp. You can compile it with g++ -I../ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o iniExample
or any other method you prefer.
#include "inicpp.hpp"
#include <iomanip>
/* compile: g++ -I../ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o iniExample */
int main()
// Load the INI file.
inicpp::IniManager _ini("config.ini");
// Check if the key exists.
if (!_ini["rtsp"].isKeyExist("port"))
std::cout << "rtsp.port is not exist!" << std::endl;
// Modify or add key-value pairs.
_ini.modify("rtsp", "port", "554");
// Use key-value pairs directly.
std::string rtsp_port = _ini["rtsp"]["port"];
// You can write section-key-value.
_ini.modify("rtsp", "port", "554");
// Add a comment.
_ini.modify("rtsp", "port", "554", "this is the listen port for http server");
// Modify the comment.
_ini.modifyComment("rtsp", "port", "this is the listen port for rtsp server ***");
// Try to modify or add more.
_ini.modify("math", "PI", "3.1415926", "This is pi in mathematics.");
// You have obtained the key-value pair and saved it to your config file.
std::cout << "to string:\trtsp.port = " << _ini["rtsp"]["port"] << std::endl;
// Convert to string, default is string
std::string http_port_s = _ini["math"].toString("PI");
std::cout << "to string:\tmath.PI = " << http_port_s << std::endl;
// Convert to double
double http_port_d = _ini["math"].toDouble("PI");
std::cout << "to double:\tmath.PI = " << std::setprecision(10) << http_port_d << std::endl;
// Convert to int
int http_port_i = _ini["math"].toInt("PI");
std::cout << "to int:\t\tmath.PI = " << http_port_i << std::endl;
return 0;
- let the example work
[root@jn inicpp]# ls
example inicpp.hpp LICENSE
[root@jn inicpp]# cd example/
[root@jn example]# grep -Rn g++
main.cpp:4:/* compile: g++ -I../ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o iniExample */
[root@jn example]# g++ -I../ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o iniExample
[root@jn example]# ls
iniExample main.cpp
[root@jn example]# ./iniExample
rtsp.port is not exist!
to string: rtsp.port = 554
to string: math.PI = 3.1415926
to double: math.PI = 3.1415926
to int: math.PI = 3
[root@jn example]# ls
config.ini iniExample main.cpp
[root@jn example]# cat config.ini
;this is the listen port for rtsp server ***
;This is pi in mathematics.
[root@jn example]#
The project was created by dujingning.