Link : -https://mycal.netlify.app/
This is the Backend Repository of MyCal.com,
Backend repo here --> https://github.com/KunalMehra075/MyCal.com-Frontend/tree/main
MyCal is your scheduling automation platform for eliminating the back-and-forth emails for finding the perfect time — and so much more. It is a tool for scheduling appointments and events. It eliminates the usual back-and-forth emails and messages involved in nailing down time. MyCal enables a smooth workflow by automating tasks such as appointment booking and rescheduling, and sending reminders and thank you notes to prospective and existing clients and team members. You can share your availability preferences and meeting location in one click.
This website is fully functional website with all CRUD operations by user . They need to go through User Authentication middleware, to perform any interactions
- Interactive UI/UX for best customer experiene.
- Google Auth Login and Signup
- User can create events and mark them in calendar.
- Add workflows,get reminders and other Emailing features
- Transitions & Animations
HTML | CSS | JavaScript | BootStrap | Full Calendar.js |
Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB | Passport |
Users Routes
GET /users -> Getting All the Users,
POST /users/register -> Register New User (Requires user details in req.body)
POST /users/login -> Login existing user (Requires email and passwords, returns token if login success)
Events Routes
GET /events/allevents -> Getting All the Events,
POST /events/newevent -> Create a new Event,
DELETE /events/delete/:id -> Delete an Event,
PATCH /events/update/:id -> Update an Event,
Workflows Routes
GET /workflows -> Getting All Workflows
POST /workflows/create -> Add a Workflow/Reminder
Google Routes
GET /google -> Initiating Google Auth
GET /google/callback -> Redirect URI
GET /google/login -> Getting User Data after Google Authentication
GET /google/logout -> Logging out from the session