
Learn from projects built by Courier Community Developers

MIT LicenseMIT

Build a Tutorial

Start Here ⭐️

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Duplicate the [ProjectName] template folder.
  3. Create a new branch (and work in this branch) called tutorial.
  4. Rename the folder to your project name.
  5. Update your readme.md with a step-by-step guide on how to build your project.
  6. Add your project to the table at bottom of this README.md (linked to your folder).
  7. Make a pull request to the original repo with your updates.

Must Haves

  • Breakdown your project build into 3-5 parts.
  • Breakdown your code into small, consumable snippets and explain as much as you can.
  • Protect your secret keys and info!
  • Include screenshots of your project at different steps.


  • Keep your audience in mind throughout.
  • Maintain a storyline.
  • Use visuals to help the reader follow along (but not too many).
    • Gifs are always really easy to follow.
  • Ask a friend to follow along and see where they get stuck - you might need to add more context there.


Next Steps

All PRs will be reviewed and may be edited by the Courier team before being merged.

The Courier team will make sure that your tutorial is easy to follow and may attempt to build out the project first. We will request changes for issues that we cannot fix.


Name Author Description (1 Sentence)
Secret Messages Shreya Build a Node.js app that sends multi-channel notifications in Morse code.