
A comparison table component for react.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A comparison table component for react.


npm install react-comparison-table --save


Click here for demo.


Here is how to get things started.

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import CompareChart from '../../src';
var data = [
    { Name: "Product 1", id: "1", 
    image: "https://goo.gl/Wk14oo",
    feature1: "feature 1 of product 1", 
    feature2: "feature 2 of product 1", 
    feature3: "feature 3 of product 1" },

    { Name: "Product 2", id: "2" ,
    image: "https://goo.gl/Wk14oo",
    feature2: "feature 2 of product 2", 
    feature3: "feature 3 of product 2"},

    { Name: "Product 3", id: "3", 
    image: "https://goo.gl/Wk14oo",
    feature1: "feature 1 of product 3", 
    feature2: "feature 2 of product 3", 
    feature3: "feature 3 of product 3" },

    { Name: "Product 4", id: "4",
    image: "https://goo.gl/Wk14oo", 
    feature1: "feature 1 of product 4", 
    feature2: "feature 2 of product 4", 
    feature3: "feature 3 of product 4" }
const App = () => (
    <div style={{width:"75%", marginLeft:"auto", marginRight:"auto"}}>

render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));

Item hiding

This option gives you the option to hide products. To enable the item hiding option use the property hideItemOption.

    hideItemOption = {true}

On enabling the option a trash icon appears next item names in the chart. By default clicking the trash icon removes that item from the list of items provided to the data property.

You can override this behavior by using the onHide property.

const App = () => (
    <div style={{width:"75%", marginLeft:"auto", marginRight:"auto", marginTop: "5%"}}>
    hideItemOption = {true}
    onHide = {onHideCallback}
const onHideCallback = (product_id) => {
    console.log("Hide product with id - " + product_id);

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