
The HLSLForCSharp libary uses the SharpDX libary. This can be downloaded from the nuget package manager. It uses the following specific libaries:

  • SharpDX
  • SharpDX.D3DCompiler
  • SharpDX.Direct3D11
  • SharpDX.DXGI
  • System.Drawing

What can you do with this libary?

Please note that this libary in in the early stages of development

This is a libary that allows the programmer to easily use HLSL shaders in C#. The goal of this libary is that a programmer can easily use their HLSL shaders in C# without knowing all the options, functions or settings from the DirectX framework. Currently the libary allows the user to perform the following:

  • Compile and use Compute shaders
  • Send StructuredBuffer to a Compute Shader
  • Send RWStructuredBuffer to a Compute Shader


For an example on how to use this libary please look at the HLSLForCSharpExample project in this repo

Issues and Pull requests

Issues and Pull requests are welcome, but please note the following:

When making an issue please:

  • Clarify what the idea, or problem is
  • In case of an error please provide source code so I can help you with identifying the problem
  • In case of an idea please make sure that the idea can be made so that a programmer can easily use it

When making a pull request please:

  • Make sure that functions are easy to use for other programmers
  • Make readable code with comments

Future updates

  • Add support for uniform, texture2D and sampler
  • Add support for creating a window
  • Add support for a render pipeline
  • Add support for DX12