Features 2D:						Work distribution:
- Run on GPU: 						Sietze
- Render circles and squares: 				Sietze
- Colored lightsources: 				Sietze

Features 3D:
- Improved visual videlity: 				Sietze and Tieke
- Area lights: 						Sietze and Tieke
- Decouple screen resolution from world size: 		Sietze and Tieke
- Run on GPU: 						Sietze
- Glass sphere: 					Sietze and Tieke
- Reflections: 						Sietze and Tieke
- Player movement: 					Sietze
- Render spheres, planes and triangles: 		Sietze and Tieke
- Colored lightsources: 				Sietze and Tieke
- Multiple scenes: 					Sietze and Tieke
- Mesh rendering: 					Sietze
- Skydome: 						Sietze

- Arrows: move player
- WASD: rotate player
- E: go to next scene
- Q: go to previous scene 

- 5th scene takes long to render, but the result is very nice
- Try to move around in the scene, they get much more interesting. 
- Some scenes have a lot of triangles, so moving is a bit slower

Used materials:
- https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/HDR
- https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/ray-tracing-rendering-a-triangle/ray-triangle-intersection-geometric-solution
- https://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/introduction-to-shading/reflection-refraction-fresnel