D3D9 Hook with ImGui integration written in C++, works on x86 and x64 with all librairies and includes.
This use the dummy device technique to retrieve the virtual method table of DirectX 9.
This project use MS Detours library for hooking and obviously DirectX 9 SDK.
MS Detours library is already include in the project folder, but if you don't have DirectX SDK you can download it here.
Make sure that DXSDK_DIR is declared in your environment variables.
To see your environment variables :
Settings --> System --> About --> System Advanced Settings --> Environment Variables
- Open the solution file (.sln).
- Build the project in Release (x86 or x64)
Every configuration in x86 / x64 (Debug and Realese) are already configured with librairies and includes.
This CMakeLists.txt should compile the project.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
include_directories(Detours/include $ENV{DXSDK_DIR}Include)
link_directories(Detours/x86 $ENV{DXSDK_DIR}Lib/x86/)
file(GLOB ImGui ImGui/*.cpp ImGui/*.h)
add_library(D3D9_HOOK SHARED framework.h pch.h dllmain.cpp Hook.h Hook.cpp Drawing.h Drawing.cpp ${ImGui})
target_link_libraries(D3D9_HOOK detours.lib d3d9.lib d3dx9.lib)
Tested on CLion with MSVC compiler, you can get Visual Studio Build Tools here.
You can hook every functions of DirectX 9 by changing the virtual function index (in Hook.cpp) :
Here I hook EndScene Function.
oEndScene = (tEndScene)d3d9Device[42];
All functions index of DirectX 9 are here.