
Resources about implementing transclusion in Emacs

Transclusion in Emacs

This file exists to gather resources related to implementing transclusion in Emacs.

The topic frequently reappears in discussions on Reddit, the mailing lists, etc, and usually only a few of the existing resources are mentioned. It’s time to gather them in one place.

Please send additions as pull requests. When adding a resource, please add a summary as of the date it’s added.



Bug Reports

Mailing lists

[2020-04-03 Fri 09:13]

{O} transcluding some org-elements in multiple places


[2020-04-03 Fri 09:13]

[2020-03-20 Fri 06:18] Protesilaos Stavros also comments:

Good to know! The Emacs manual also has a chapter on “accumulating text”. Excerpt:

‘M-x append-to-buffer’
Append region to the contents of a specified buffer.
‘M-x prepend-to-buffer’
Prepend region to the contents of a specified buffer.
‘M-x copy-to-buffer’
Copy region into a specified buffer, deleting that buffer’s old contents.
‘M-x insert-buffer’
Insert the contents of a specified buffer into current buffer at point.
‘M-x append-to-file’
Append region to the contents of a specified file, at the end.

