
Graduation from messy XCTAssertEqual messages.

Primary LanguageSwiftOtherNOASSERTION


Swift 5.0 compatible CocoaPods Carthage Swift Package Manager MIT license

A tool for providing the 2 features for efficient testing:

  • Output diff between 2 any types
  • Default implementation of Equatable for any types

Platform Status
macOS Bitrise
Linux CircleCI


diff<T>(between: T, and: T)

import MirrorDiffKit

// Input 2 structs or classes implements Equatable:
let a = Example(
    key1: "I'm not changed",
    key2: "I'm deleted"
let b = Example(
    key1: "I'm not changed",
    key2: "I'm inserted"

XCTAssertEqual(a, b, diff(between: a, and: b))

// XCTAssertEqual failed: ("Example(key1: "I\'m not changed", key2: "I\'m deleted")") is not equal to ("Example(key1: "I\'m not changed", key2: "I\'m inserted")") - 
//     struct Example {
//         key1: "I'm not changed"
//       - key2: "I'm deleted"
//       + key2: "I'm inserted"
//     }

Any =~ Any and Any !~ Any

import MirrorDiffKit

a = NotEquatable(
    key1: "I'm not changed",
    key2: "I'm deleted"
b = NotEquatable(
    key1: "I'm not changed",
    key2: "I'm inserted"

XCTAssert(a =~ b, diff(between: a, and: b))

// XCTAssertTrue failed - 
//     struct NotEquatable {
//         key1: "I'm not changed"
//       - key2: "I'm deleted"
//       + key2: "I'm inserted"
//     }


Swift Package Manager

Add the following line to your Package.swift:

.package(url: "https://github.com/Kuniwak/MirrorDiffKit.git")


Add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "Kuniwak/MirrorDiffKit"


pod "MirrorDiffKit"