
Generate QR Code based on user input

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Template

This repo will be my template when ever I want to do something with ReactJS.

This template has:

  • Yarn 3+
  • Vite
  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • Prettier

Get started

To get started, future me, please follow these steps. Trust me, it's not that hard.

  1. Clone this repo. Because this repo will contain .yarn/cache/, this will make cloning slow.
    1. With cached files: git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/Kunniii/react-template <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
    2. If you don't want to clone the cached files: git clone --depth 1 -b no-cache https://github.com/Kunniii/react-template <YOUR_PROJECT_NAME>
  2. Update your project name in package.json.
  3. Remove folder .git/
  4. Run git init
  5. Make sure that you have an existing repo on your GitHub. Two ways to get this done:
    1. Go to GitHub website and create one.
    2. Or use gh CLI with command gh repo create and follow the steps. DO NOT CLONE THE REPO!!
  6. Run git remote add origin git@github.com:<YOUR_NAME>/<YOUR_REPO_NAME>.git if you have ssh configured. You should have one if haven't!
  7. Run yarn or yarn install to install the dependencies.
  8. Add files, commit and push to that repo git push -u origin main or master i don't know LOL

Some error may occur

I cannot commit, help me Oh, yes, because this repo use Husky for linting by using Prettier before commit, you will need to install the dependencies.

Prettier is not working Make sure that you installed the dependecies. If you use npm, just give up, take a nap, then, come back and run yarn or yarn install.

I don't know, maybe you will find some error in the future

In that case, let's just create an issue.