The "Kunstmaan Bundles Standard Edition" distribution
- 3
Modal-backdrop doesn't disappear
#256 opened by anybug - 1
platform is locked to 5.6
#254 opened by delboy1978uk - 1
- 1
Node run build doesn't work
#242 opened by tperunsky - 5
Admin page "Pages" gives 500 error, clean installation
#199 opened by Caroga - 0
Access menu with custom controller/action
#172 opened by onalekitso - 0
- 1
Any community suport?
#201 opened by PanzerLlama - 0
#207 opened by taalayuulu - 1
Multi domain sites with custom templates
#215 opened by fahadonline - 2
kunstmaan/generatorbundle creates adminlist routing prefix in routing.yml, only works in annotation
#226 opened by jochendaum - 4
Issue during installation
#237 opened by TUBbrain - 1
Issue during fixture installation
#238 opened by TomasBruzgelevicius - 4
Disabling Search configuration and bundle does not disable usage of ElasticSearch
#200 opened by Caroga - 2
CSS doesn't load properly
#113 opened by Philippe-Mange - 2
how to change language on kunstmaan cms
#221 opened by taalayuulu - 1
Replace raven/raven with sentry/sentry
#210 opened by jockri - 5
- 4
Use KunstmannBundle in a symfony project
#206 opened by speeeeeed2006 - 1
Edition v3.5.1 requires bundles@dev-master
#202 opened by ro0NL - 3
Installation with composer fails
#186 opened by floriansemm - 1
404 Errors - /admin/ prefix
#169 opened by lewisvgd - 1
TaggingBundle bug : createdAt and updatedAt
#176 opened by kamel-allab - 1
- 5
- 2
Imagick not installed
#168 opened by onalekitso - 3
Error running kuma:generate:page command
#167 opened by onalekitso - 4
Unable to create project
#166 opened by n8green - 1
Brand new installation - bourbon
#112 opened by Warxcell - 2
- 1
config_prod should have a single lang version
#125 opened by kimausloos - 2
- 1
Formpage creation problem
#153 opened by MarioZ2002 - 2
- 1
Update .gitignore
#164 opened by FVKVN - 4
Fresh installation failed
#154 opened by laymain - 6
Error while generating page
#126 opened by dkrasov - 3
Installation fails on `app/console assetic:dump`
#155 opened by laymain - 3
Homepage Exception forwards to /en/
#156 opened by bobemoe - 4
Moving Page Node
#118 opened by c0ber - 1
Template modifications Issue
#123 opened by CGX971 - 4
Controllers, routing and dynamic pages.
#121 opened by bobemoe - 4
Deprecated the service method in Pages
#142 opened by thomasverleye - 5
Can't log in to the admin area
#129 opened by bobemoe - 3
Entity has to be part of discriminator map.
#132 opened by jfgrissom - 1
#124 opened by msiwek-yuma - 1
Installation problems
#122 opened by sooron - 1
Bower.json is missing
#128 opened by xtrasmal - 2
Class SymfonyStandard\Composer is not autoloadable, can not call post-root-package-install script
#114 opened by samuele-mrapps - 4
STUCK: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Imagick' not found in ... cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 3573
#117 opened by michael-riha