
THIS REPO IS DEPRECATED: replaced by Monolog | The SentryBundle for Symfony2 helps binds the raven-php module into a Symfony2 bundle for easy use with the framework. It will autoload an exception handler into the framework, so that all uncaught errors are sent to a Sentry server.

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IMPORTANT: We recommend that you no longer use this bundle. Since it's inception Monolog has gotten built in Sentry support. See #18 and https://github.com/Seldaek/monolog/pull/76/files

SentryBundle for Symfony2

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This helps binds the raven-php module into a Symfony2 bundle for easy use with the framework. It will autoload an exception handler into the framework, so that all uncaught errors are sent to a Sentry server.

Important: This bundle is heavily inspired by Drew Butler's Airbrake bundle.

Installation requirements

You should be able to get Symfony 2.1 up and running before you can install the KunstmaanAdminBundle.

Installation instructions

Assuming you have installed composer.phar or composer binary:

$ composer require kunstmaan/sentry-bundle

Add the KunstmaanSentryBundle to your AppKernel.php file:

new Kunstmaan\SentryBundle\KunstmaanSentryBundle(),

Multiple environments support

To enable Sentry for a specific environment, add these lines to the config.yml file for the environment (ie. config_prod.yml) :

    enabled: true
    dsn: "http://nnn:nnn@12345.12345.12345.12345/1"

Note that Sentry logging is disabled by default.