Develop a minimalistic application that displays a static chart based on hardcoded data.
The application should consist of:
- Chart Display: The chart will showcase the implementation progress of various categories (like Home Page, Navigation, etc.) for a hypothetical e-commerce website. Each category's progress should be represented as a percentage. The data for the chart will be hardcoded into the application.
- UI/UX Design: Create a simple user-friendly interface.
- Responsiveness: The application should provide a seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.
- Error Handling: The application should robustly handle errors, especially potential issues with displaying the chart.
- Testing: Write basic tests for the main functionalities of the application.
- The source code for the application, along with instructions for building, testing, and running it.
- A report on any challenges you encountered during the project and how you solved them.
See the page at
The responsive chart switches between mobile and web views.
Get the source code:
clone the project:
git clone
navigate to the project directory:
cd chart-project
install dependencies:
yarn install
Running, building, testing:
Run development server:
yarn run dev
Then open the localhost url in your browser.
Build the project:
yarn run build
Then open the index.html file in the dist folder in your browser.
Run the tests:
yarn run test
(This runs all vite unit tests.)
I chose to use React as I am most familiar with it.
I also chose to use TypeScript as it is a very useful tool for catching errors and making the code more readable.
I chose to use Vite as the build tool - I heard it is getting a lot more love than CRA lately, and I wanted to try it out.
Tailwind was used for styling. I am well familiar with it, and it is very useful for quickly creating a nice looking UI. I also used a few Tabler Icons and got some styling from Flowbite (buttons and badges).
For state management I chose to use Jotai. First I thought it wouldn't be necessary, but later I decided to more closely emulate how a real app would work. So, I simulated a fetch request for the data, and I used Jotai to store it.
// atoms.ts
export const dataAtom = atom(async () => fetchChartData())
// data.ts
export async function fetchChartData(): Promise<ChartData[]> {
await new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000)
return chartData
// usage:
const data = useAtomValue(dataAtom)
I created a very simple model of how the desktop and mobile sites should look. It is something that can keep me productive and focused when coding the design as I don't have as many choices. Here is a simple mockup of the sites: link.
(I ended up using slightly different data, so the mockup is not super accurate.)
Disclaimer: The data has been generated using GPT.
The simplest chart that would fulfill the assignment would be a bar chart. The data could look like this:
const chartData = [
{category: "Home Page", progress: 85},
{category: "Product Listing", progress: 70},
{category: "Product Detail", progress: 90},
{category: "Shopping Cart", progress: 60},
{category: "Checkout", progress: 75},
{category: "User Profile", progress: 80},
{category: "Navigation", progress: 95},
It got me thinking about what data I would use. For the chart to be more useful, the data could include some other datums such as importance. Data:
const chartData = [
{category: "Home Page", progress: 85, importance: 3},
{category: "Product Listing", progress: 70, importance: 4},
{category: "Product Detail", progress: 90, importance: 5},
{category: "Shopping Cart", progress: 60, importance: 4},
{category: "Checkout", progress: 75, importance: 5},
{category: "User Profile", progress: 80, importance: 2},
{category: "Navigation", progress: 95, importance: 3},
I chose to go with a bar chart with color coded importance. The importance is represented by the color of the bar. The more important the category, the darker the color.
Later I decided to use some extra data to show an extra details component.
One datum now looks like this:
const datum = {
category: "Home Page",
progress: 85,
importance: 5,
issues: [
id: 1001,
title: "Improve responsiveness",
status: "open",
creator: "Alice",
assignee: "Bob",
labels: ["bug", "UI/UX"],
createdAt: new Date(2023, 4, 15),
updatedAt: new Date(2023, 6, 25),
description: "The home page is not rendering correctly on mobile devices."
I did some searching and was deciding to use either visx or Recharts. I decided to go with visx as I wanted to try to learn something new, and it seemed like a good opportunity to do so. Visx in my opinion also has a higher ceiling than Recharts, but it is also more difficult to use.
The app has been manually tested in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. On mobile devices, it has been tested on IOS on safari.
I used Vitest to run unit test and the React testing library (@testing-library/react) to query my DOM. I covered the main feature of the app, which is displaying the chart and the category details, with some basic tests. This was a new thing for me and if I had more time I would create some End-to-End tests with Cypress.