
最近看到連Weinberg新版的量子力學課本都提到quantum memory了 覺得應該了解一下

Primary LanguagePython

String Comparison on a Quantum Computer

This repository contains the files needed to compare and classify the strings using Hamming distance between a string and a set of strings using a quantum computer. For computing the distance between a target string and the closest string in the group of strings, see preprint. The code for this preprint is packaged in v0.1.0. The core code resides in string_comparison.py.

Furthermore, this repository extends the above codebase by creating an efficient version of the Parametric Probabilistic Quantum Memory (P-PQM) approach for computing the probability of a string belonging to a particular group of strings (i.e., a machine learning classification problem). We call our algorithm EP-PQM, see preprint for details. The code for this preprint is packaged in v0.2.0.


To set up the environment, run

pip install -r requirements.txt 

Usage examples

Computing the distance between a target string and the closest string in a group

test_string_comparison.py contains unit test cases for string_comparison.py. This file can also be interpreted as a set of examples of how StringComparator in string_comparison.py should be invoked. To run, do

python -m unittest test_string_comparison.py

For additional examples (containing invocations of the debug-related methods), run

python string_comparison.py

To execute code listings shown in the preprint, do

python hd_paper_listings.py


The file compute_empirical_complexity.py simulates the generation of quantum circuits for string classification as described in the preprint. Datasets found in ./datasets (namely, Balance Scale, Breast Cancer, SPECT Heart, Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame, and Zoo) are taken from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. To execute, run

python compute_empirical_complexity.py

The output is saved in stats.csv and stats.json.


If you use the algorithm or code, please cite them as follows. For computing Hamming distance:

  author        = {Mushahid Khan and Andriy Miranskyy},
  title         = {{String Comparison on a Quantum Computer Using Hamming Distance}},
  journal       = {CoRR},
  volume        = {abs/2106.16173},
  year          = {2021},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  url           = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.16173},
  eprint        = {2106.16173}


  author        = {Mushahid Khan and Jean Paul Latyr Faye and Udson C. Mendes and Andriy Miranskyy},
  title         = {{EP-PQM: Efficient Parametric Probabilistic Quantum Memory with Fewer Qubits and Gates}},
  journal       = {CoRR},
  volume        = {abs/2201.07265},
  year          = {2022},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  url           = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.07265},
  eprint        = {2201.07265}

Contact us

If you found a bug or came up with a new feature -- please open an issue or pull request.