SourceCred's Own Cred Instance

This repository contains SourceCred's own Cred instance, as well as some GitHub actions for keeping it up to date.

You can view this as an example of what a fully configured SourceCred instance looks like.

Some features to note:

  • The Cred is recalculated every 24 hours.
  • It deploys to GitHub pages.
  • Config and permanent data (e.g. the Ledger) are stored in the master branch. All output or site data are stored in the gh-pages branch.
  • The config/grain.json file specifies how much Grain to distribute every week. The maxSimultaneousDistributions parameter determines how many weeks of "back-distributions" to generate if the command hasn't been run in a while (or ever).
  • Run yarn go to load all the data and recalculate scores. Run yarn go --no-load if you don't want to load data from scratch.
  • Run yarn serve to locally serve the frontend.
  • Run yarn grain if you want to distribute Grain using the current scores and the config/grain.json.