
A python script to implement the Esptouch protocol on platforms other than iOS or Android

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A python script to implement the Esptouch protocol on platforms other than iOS or Android

I needed to generate the Esptouch protocol from an embedded system, not from a smart device. Since I could not find anything suitable anywhere I wrote this. Pretty impressed with the size of this script vs the size of the objective-c or Java versions.

This script does not have a listener like the smart apps have. There is no confirmation of any sort if a device connect correctly after receiving the smartconfig data. This script only broadcast the data in the air and hope for the best. You can always make a prayer before launching it...


ESPTouch.py [ssid] [password] [broadcast T/F] [returnIP] [bssid]

The broadcast True or False , if true will send all group of packets at If false will send multicast sequentially 234.XXX.XXX.XXX like defined in the protocol. I assume this feature is for if your router does not forward multicast.
The return IP value doesnt matter as we do not listen back (you need however to provide one).

ESPTouch.py NARNIA w4rdr0b3 F abcdef0102ff
ESPTouch.py NARNIA w4rdr0be T 000000000000

Personal Notes

  • The timing in the android app are differents from the ones in the iOS version and it does not seem to matter. In the article "ESP-TOUCH decoding and encoding rules" the person seems puzzled that the Android versions sends less packet groups than the iOS; I think that it's just that the java code execute slower than obj-c on iOS.

  • In the iOS version, there is a concept of not sending the ssid if it is hidden but it is totally omitted in the android version. So I omitted it here since I was never able to make it work properly without an ssid in the messages.

  • The bssid seems to be superfluous, if I just send 000000000000 as a mac address or if I totally omit to inject them in the stream of data, the process works correctly anyway ???

  • With the multicast option the system that runs the script does not needs to be connected by wifi, as long as it is the same subnet.




ESP-TOUCH decoding and encoding rules

Original ESP-TOUCH decoding and encoding rules

CRC8 Maxim/Dallas

CRC Calc