HGDB Symbol Table for Chisel/Firrtl

This is a proof-of-concept Firrtl pass that extracts debugging information from the Firrtl file and converts it into a hgdb supported format. Notice that this pass does not change your Firrtl design.


First we need to build the jar file so that firrtl can recognize our custom pass

$ ./bin/install [firrtl_path/design.jar]

where [firrtl_path] is where Firrtl folder is. It assumes that you have build the Firrtl using sbt assembly command. The install file will generate a new firrtl file in the ./bin folder that has proper java class path set. You can also provide a jar file, which will be recognized by the install script.

Then we need to convert your Firrtl file into a hgdb symbol table:

$ ./bin/firrtl <your_firrtl_file> -hgdb <toml_output>
$ pip install hgdb[all] # if you haven't done that already
$ toml2hgdb <toml_output> debug.db

We can use debug.db as the symbol table for debugging. Below shows an example of debugging Chisel3 example code with the symbol table we just generated:

Image of Debugging Chisel

You can use any supported debugger hosted here.

How does it work?

This pass analyzes the assignment and conditional (if) statements and uses Firrtl embedded FileInfo to create the symbol table. Explicitly named signals will be converted into Generator Variables and nodes will be converted into Context Variables

Below are a list of limitations:

  1. Because Firrtl doesn't track symbol changes, we have to make some assumptions on how high-level signals are lowered. The assumption works well for most cases, but may break in the future.
  2. Chisel does not capture frame/context information when producing Firrtl. As a result, there will not be any "local" variables shown when you debug.
  3. Because the pass has to work on the IR before the mux pulling pass, it can only operates on high-form IR. Therefore, if there is any downstream optimization that removes the symbol, you'll see undefined symbols when you debug. For instance, you need to disable FIRRTL inline pass to make it work. Ideally Firrtl should provide -O0 switch when compile to RTL that disable all the optimization passes.

Want to learn more about hgdb?

hgdb is designed to be a flexible debugging framework for hardware generators that supports any mainstream RTL simulators. You can check out the technical details here.