
Network debugger (logger) for React Native apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🛠 Network debug tool for react-native

Ever struggled with debugging network requests in React Native? Prefer console tools over GUI solutions (like reactotron)?


Getting started

  • Install react-native-network-proxy by running

    $ yarn add react-native-network-proxy


    $ npm i react-native-network-proxy --save
  • Add react-native-network-proxy to your react-native application:

    import { start as startNetworkDebugging } from 'react-native-network-proxy';
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 6969,
    // or just startNetworkDebugging();
  • Start react-native-network-proxy server:

    $ yarn react-native-network-proxy


    $ npm run react-native-network-proxy
  • That's it! Run your app and make your fetch/XMLHttpRequest! The request should appear in the console where the server is running


You can always reach me on twitter (@kureevalexey)