
🖼 Develop a second website in the form of an animated landing page

Primary LanguageCSS

🖼️ Project - Website Two

Second Website - Landing-page style

Introduction 🎞


1. Technologies 💻

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • GSAP

2. Coding ✨

Development of an website prototype featuring a minimalist portfolio style.

🤔 Understanding:

  • Add GSAP & JavaScript animations.

🤓 Learning:

  • Deepen my knowledge of HTML & CSS and maintain good syntax.
  • Deepen my knowledge further on how animations work in JavaScript & GSAP.
  • Make the responsiveness more intricate and adaptable.
  • Above all, practice and enhance my skills.

🔁 Reflections


This second website allows me to enhance responsiveness and dynamism on simple elements like texts. The purpose of this second site is to implement various dynamic ideas "from Scratch". I was able to add a more modern and dynamic navigation. The site is still in progress; I will refine it gradually, but I do not plan to add other pages (such as contact, portfolio, etc.). I want this second site to remain as a single animated landing page with a certain visual aesthetic. The responsiveness is actually better managed in this project than in "WebsiteOne". I managed to add a fairly decent responsiveness to this project.

3. Features 🛠

Here are different features that I have implemented in the project:

+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development
+ Currently in development

⚒ Optimizations

  • Add more animations using JavaScript & GSAP.
  • Experiment with integration tests of Three.js or WebGL.
  • Revise the overall visual style with new font tests.

4. Run and Debug ⚙

  1. Download or clone it the WebsiteTwo.zip folder from the project and unzip it.
  2. Open the WebsiteTwo folder with a code editor of your choice.
  3. Launch the file /WebsiteTwo/index.html in your browser locally (you can use extensions such as Live Server, Live Preview, etc.).
