
A tool for sending logs via email at regular intervals during model training, to conveniently check the progress and status of the model training process.

Primary LanguagePython


A tool for sending logs via email at regular intervals during model training, to conveniently check the progress and status of the model training process.



The third-party libraries required for this tool are as follows:

pip install easydict
pip install apscheduler
pip install pyyaml


Place the kkreporter module in your project directory, and then import the KukaReporter class using the following import statement:

from kkreporter.reporter import KukaReporter
# The config_path is the file path of the configuration file for the KukaReporter class.
# The configuration file is located at kkreporter/kuka_reporter_config.yaml within 
# the project directory.
kkreporter = KukaReporter(config_path=[your config path], log_path=[your log path])
  • Send log reports on a scheduled basis

After executing this statement, the tool will send email reports on the training progress on a scheduled basis.

  • Final Training Report

Execute after training completion
