MinVer example
Example for how to build DotNet packages with Github Actions using MinVer and publish to nuget.org
- Build with Github Actions
- Build Release packages from main/master on every new tagged Github Release
- Build Pre-Release packages from develop branch an every push (code in feature branches only)
- Automatic versioning with SemVer 2.0 and MinVer, based on Git Tags and "Git height"
- Including NuGet...
- Complete metadata
- SourceLink configured (link to source/commit for every package)
- embedded portable PDBs & compressed source (or snupkg symbols if required, just uncomment)
- Github README.md (this file) used also for listing on nuget.org
- Icon for NuGet package
NuGet Package Metadata
Consider including the following items in your README:
- An introduction to what your package is and does – what problems does it solve?
- How to get started with your package – are there any specific requirements?
- Links to more comprehensive documentation if not included in the README itself.
- At least a few code snippets/samples or example images.
- Where and how to leave feedback such as link to the project issues, Twitter, bug tracker, or other platform.
- How to contribute, if applicable.
See more about README.md and embedding in your package here