
Primary LanguageJava


Note-1: You can find answers on section 6) Q&A

Note-2: Each Git Commit corresponds to particular Q&A

  1. Dependencies
  2. Package Structure
  3. Testing
  4. Technology
  5. Domain Map
  6. Q&A


  • Maven (Optional), if you do not have maven installed, there is one downloaded runnable for you ./mvnw

##2.Package Structure

###2.1.Run the Application

To Run Application, you only need to have a terminal, and you need to run 2 command in series:

./mvnw clean install 

./mvnw spring-boot:run

##3.Test the Application

To Test Application, you only need to have a terminal, and you need to run following command in series:

./mvnw test    

For testing purposes there are 2 types of testing approaches have been used:

  • End to End Test: Used for Happy Path scenarios
  • Unit Test: Used for rules, constraints and edge cases. Mostly used on Business heavily components.


  • Java 11
  • Spring Boot, Apache Tomcat -> IoC and Web Server
  • Swagger -> API Documentation
  • Lombok -> Boilerplate Code Library

##5.Domain Map Domain Map for oop application is like following;

##6.Q&A ##Question Section: A,

##Answer: 1, Can you implement the sing() method for the bird?

Image: ./documents/answer-1-class-diagram.png

###Answer 1.a) How did you unit test it? I would test either what input I would give or side effect - outcome. In this case System out stream would have the side effect of SUT (Software Under Test) so I would test what the output will be.

###Answer 1.b) How did you optimize the code for maintainability? For this stage not much to optimize, only things verifying output stream seems much effort, I would find a way easier output channel maybe instead of printing out stream I would modiyf methods to return results of the action so I could test the result of the SUT easily by checking returned value.

##Answer 2) Now, we have 2 special kinds of birds: the Duck and the Chicken... Can you implement them to make their own special sound?

Image: ./documents/answer-2-class-diagram.png

To change the behaviour of the class we override the methods of super class. Also, to prevent some behavior to happen, we are throwing customized runtime error.

##Answer: 3, Now how would you model a rooster?

Image: ./documents/answer-3-class-diagram.png

###Answer 3.B) How is the rooster related to the chicken? According to dictionary, Rooster = An adult male chicken while it is bird, What we can do is to extend it from Bird and use Composition of Chicken when we execute same functionalities like fly.

###Answer 3.C) Can you think of other ways to model a rooster without using inheritance? We can use more flexible modelling with interfaces to wrap all behaviours. Moreover, we could use composition by injecting chicken into rooster.

##Answer: 4, Can you model a parrot? We are specifically interested in three parrots, one that lived in a house with dogs one in a house with cats, the other lived on a farm next to the rooster. Image: ./documents/answer4-class-diagram.png

I create SoundBehaviour which implements Decorator Design Pattern to build up the behaviour. You can find example on ParrotTest

##Question Section: B,

##Answer: 1, In addition to the birds, can you model a fish?

##Answer: 2, Can you specialize the fish as a Shark and as a Clownfish?