1. Instructions
  2. Architecture
  3. Model
  4. API Documentation
  5. Concerns


Build JAR

    mvn clean install

Build Docker Image

    mvn spring-boot:build-image


Unit Test Line Coverage: %74

    Unit Test                :  mvn test
    Unit + Integration Tests :  mvn verify


    mvn spring-boot:run

2.Tech Stack

Used Libraries and Frameworks:

  • Spring Boot: 2.3.2
  • Spring Web: 2.3.2
  • Lombok: 1.18.12
  • Mapstruct: 1.31.1
  • H2: 1.4.200
  • Spring Doc, Open-API: 1.2.32

Note: Spring Application (Async)Events are used for start point of event-driven system.


Relation: Customer, 0..1 -> N Address

Customer- 0..1

- firstName: String
- lastName: String
- phoneNumber: String
- email: String

Address- N

- type: Enum(Integer)
- city: String
- country: String
- line: String
- customerId: long

4.API Documentation

Please, Test the API from SpringDoc Panel.

You can check REST Document from following URL;



  1. You cannot retrieve too much record at the same time, even it is not on the spec, basic pagination structure introduced. page: 1, count: 20 default settings.

  2. Validation rules remained basic level for sake of demo project

  3. Unit Tests created specifically for domain services

  4. Integration Tests only created for REST level, Persistence layer Integration tests are not implemented.