
Useful scripts to perform tasks

Primary LanguageShell

Useful Scripts

Usefull scripts to perform tasks

I will be adding scripts that somehow had helped me at some point with rutinary work.

ID Script Name Use case
1 git-author-rewrite Changes the username and mail from all commits in GIT

Usage Examples

Learn how to use the scripts by reading and understanding the proper section.

1.- Git-author-rewrite.sh

With this script you will change all the commits that were made and match the OLD_EMAIL. In case you want to change all of the commits, independent of the committer, see section Important after point 6.

  1. Replace the OLD_EMAIL with the old email you want to change.
  2. Replace the CORRECT_NAME with the new name that will appear in all commits.
  3. Replace the CORRECT_EMAIL with the new email that will appear in all commits.
  4. Put the file in the GIT project folder you want to change.
  5. Change the permissiont to be able to execute it: chmod +x git-author-rewrite.sh
  6. Run it: ./git-author-rewrite.sh


If you want to change ALL the commits independent of the commited mail, you can also use git filter-branch -f --env-filter "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='Newname'; GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='new@email'; GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='Newname'; GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='new@email';" HEAD instead of using git-author-rewrite.sh but be aware that this code will change all the users, even if you have a repo with more than one committer.

Both scripts will rewrite the history of your entire GIT repository, therefore it will change all the SHA1 of your commits.
More Info: Git Tools - Rewriting History

  1. Right now if you make a git log --graph --all --decorate --oneline you will see that the commits are duplicated, the old ones remain, under an "original" folder, and the new ones are in the HEAD.

  2. If you want to get rid of the old commits just delete the original folder rm -r .git/refs/original/


Bruno Retolaza
