
A next-next gen SQLite library for react-native by @ospfranco

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


    yarn add @op-engineering/op-sqlite
    npx pod-install

OP SQLite embeds the latest version of SQLite and provides a low-level API to execute SQL queries.

Current SQLite version: 3.44.0

Created by @ospfranco. Please consider Sponsoring, none of this work is for free. I pay for it with my time and knowledge. If you are a company in need of help with your React Native/React apps feel free to reach out. I also do a lot of C++ and nowadays Rust.


You can find the benchmarking code in the example app. You should expect anywhere between a 5x to a 8x improvement over non-JSI packages, and now a 5x to 8x improvement over quick-sqlite and expo-sqlite. Loading a 300k record database (in milliseconds).


Memory consumption is also is also 1/4 compared to react-native-quick-sqlite. This query used to take 1.2gb of peak memory usage, now runs in 250mbs.


If you need to encrypt your entire database, there is op-sqlcipher, which is a fork of this library which uses SQLCipher. It completely encrypts all the database with minimal overhead. Bear in mind, however, it is a fork maintained by a third-party.

DB Paths

The library creates/opens databases by appending the passed name plus, the library directory on iOS and the database directory on Android. If you are migrating from react-native-quick-sqlite you will have to move your library using one of the many react-native fs libraries.

If you have an existing database file you want to load you can navigate from these directories using dot notation. e.g.:

import { open } from '@op-engineering/op-sqlite';

const largeDb = open({
  name: 'largeDB',
  location: '../files/databases',

Note that on iOS the file system is sand-boxed, so you cannot access files/directories outside your app bundle directories.

In memory

Using SQLite in memory mode is supported:

import { open } from '@op-engineering/op-sqlite';

const largeDb = open({
  name: 'inMemoryDb',
  inMemory: true,


import {open} from '@op-engineering/op-sqlite'

const db = open({name: 'myDb.sqlite'})

// The db object contains the following methods:
db = {
  close: () => void,
  delete: () => void,
  attach: (dbNameToAttach: string, alias: string, location?: string) => void,
  detach: (alias: string) => void,
  transaction: (fn: (tx: Transaction) => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>,
  execute: (query: string, params?: any[]) => QueryResult,
  executeAsync: (query: string, params?: any[]) => Promise<QueryResult>,
  executeBatch: (commands: SQLBatchTuple[]) => BatchQueryResult,
  executeBatchAsync: (commands: SQLBatchTuple[]) => Promise<BatchQueryResult>,
  loadFile: (location: string) => Promise<FileLoadResult>,
  updateHook: (
    callback: ((params: {
      table: string;
      operation: UpdateHookOperation;
      row?: any;
      rowId: number;
    }) => void) | null
  ) => void,
  commitHook: (callback: (() => void) | null) => void,
  rollbackHook: (callback: (() => void) | null) => void

Simple queries

The basic query is synchronous, it will block rendering on large operations, further below you will find async versions.

import { open } from '@op-engineering/op-sqlite';

try {
  const db = open({ name: 'myDb.sqlite' });

  let { rows } = db.execute('SELECT somevalue FROM sometable');

  // _array internally holds the values, this is meant to comply with the webSQL spec
  rows._array.forEach((row) => {

  let { rowsAffected } = await db.executeAsync(
    'UPDATE sometable SET somecolumn = ? where somekey = ?',
    [0, 1]

  console.log(`Update affected ${rowsAffected} rows`);
} catch (e) {
  console.error('Something went wrong executing SQL commands:', e.message);

Multiple statements in a single string

You can execute multiple statements in a single operation. The API however is not really thought for this use case and the results (and their metadata) will be mangled, so you can discard it.

// The result of this query will all be in a single array, no point in trying to read it

let t1name = db.execute(
  "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='T1';"

console.log(t1name.rows?._array[0].name); // outputs "T1"

let t2name = db.execute(
  "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='T2';"

console.log(t2name.rows?._array[0].name); // outputs "T2"


Throwing an error inside the callback will ROLLBACK the transaction.

If you want to execute a large set of commands as fast as possible you should use the executeBatch method, it wraps all the commands in a transaction and has less overhead.

await db.transaction('myDatabase', (tx) => {
  const { status } = tx.execute(
    'UPDATE sometable SET somecolumn = ? where somekey = ?',
    [0, 1]

  // offload from JS thread
  await tx.executeAsync = tx.executeAsync(
    'UPDATE sometable SET somecolumn = ? where somekey = ?',
    [0, 1]

  // Any uncatched error ROLLBACK transaction
  throw new Error('Random Error!');

  // You can manually commit or rollback
  // or

Batch operation

Batch execution allows the transactional execution of a set of commands

const commands = [
  ['CREATE TABLE TEST (id integer)'],
  ['INSERT INTO TEST (id) VALUES (?)', [1]],
  [('INSERT INTO TEST (id) VALUES (?)', [2])],
  [('INSERT INTO TEST (id) VALUES (?)', [[3], [4], [5], [6]])],

const res = db.executeSqlBatch('myDatabase', commands);

console.log(`Batch affected ${result.rowsAffected} rows`);

Dynamic Column Metadata

In some scenarios, dynamic applications may need to get some metadata information about the returned result set.

This can be done by testing the returned data directly, but in some cases may not be enough, for example when data is stored outside SQLite datatypes. When fetching data directly from tables or views linked to table columns, SQLite can identify the table declared types:

let { metadata } = db.executeSql(
  'SELECT int_column_1, bol_column_2 FROM sometable'

metadata.forEach((column) => {
  // Output:
  // int_column_1 - INTEGER
  // bol_column_2 - BOOLEAN
  console.log(`${column.name} - ${column.type}`);

Async operations

You might have too much SQL to process and it will cause your application to freeze. There are async versions for some of the operations. This will offload the SQLite processing to a different thread.

  'SELECT * FROM "User";',
  []).then(({rows}) => {
    console.log('users', rows._array);


Blobs are supported via ArrayBuffer, you need to be careful about the semantics though. You cannot instantiate an instance of ArrayBuffer directly, nor pass a typed array directly. Here is an example:

db = open({
  name: 'blobs',

db.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS BlobTable;');

let binaryData = new Uint8Array(2);
binaryData[0] = 42;

db.execute(`INSERT OR REPLACE INTO BlobTable VALUES (?, ?, ?);`, [

const result = db.execute('SELECT content FROM BlobTable');

const finalUint8 = new Uint8Array(result.rows!._array[0].content);

Attach or Detach other databases

SQLite supports attaching or detaching other database files into your main database connection through an alias. You can do any operation you like on this attached database like JOIN results across tables in different schemas, or update data or objects. These databases can have different configurations, like journal modes, and cache settings.

You can, at any moment, detach a database that you don't need anymore. You don't need to detach an attached database before closing your connection. Closing the main connection will detach any attached databases.

SQLite has a limit for attached databases: A default of 10, and a global max of 125

References: Attach - Detach

db.attach('mainDatabase', 'statistics', 'stats', '../databases');

const res = db.executeSql(
  'SELECT * FROM some_table_from_mainschema a INNER JOIN stats.some_table b on a.id_column = b.id_column'

// You can detach databases at any moment
db.detach('mainDatabase', 'stats');
if (!detachResult.status) {
  // Database de-attached

Loading SQL Dump Files

If you have a SQL dump file, you can load it directly, with low memory consumption:

const { rowsAffected, commands } = db
  .loadFile('myDatabase', '/absolute/path/to/file.sql')
  .then((res) => {
    const { rowsAffected, commands } = res;


You can subscribe to changes in your database by using an update hook:

// Bear in mind: rowId is not your table primary key but the internal rowId sqlite uses
// to keep track of the table rows
db.updateHook(({ rowId, table, operation, row = {} }) => {
  console.warn(`Hook has been called, rowId: ${rowId}, ${table}, ${operation}`);
  // Will contain the entire row that changed
  // only on UPDATE and INSERT operations
  console.warn(JSON.stringify(row, null, 2));

db.execute('INSERT INTO "User" (id, name, age, networth) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)', [

Same goes for commit and rollback hooks

// will fire whenever a transaction commits
db.commitHook(() => {
  console.log('Transaction commmitted!');

db.rollbackHook(() => {
  console.log('Transaction rolled back!');

// will fire the commit hook
db.transaction(async (tx) => {
    'INSERT INTO "User" (id, name, age, networth) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)',
    [id, name, age, networth]

// will fire the rollback hook
try {
  await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
    throw new Error('Test Error');
} catch (e) {
  // intentionally left blank

You can pass `null`` to remove hooks at any moment:




Use built-in SQLite

On iOS you can use the embedded SQLite, when running pod-install add an environment flag:


On Android, it is not possible to link the OS SQLite. It is also a bad idea due to vendor changes, old android bugs, etc. Unfortunately, this means this library will add some megabytes to your app size.

Enable compile-time options

By specifying pre-processor flags, you can enable optional features like FTS5, Geopoly, etc.


Add a post_install block to your <PROJECT_ROOT>/ios/Podfile like so:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    if target.name == "op-sqlite" then
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
        config.build_settings['GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS'] << 'SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5=1'

Replace the <SQLITE_FLAGS> part with the flags you want to add. For example, you could add SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5=1 to GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS to enable FTS5 in the iOS project.


You can specify flags via <PROJECT_ROOT>/android/gradle.properties like so:


Additional configuration

App groups (iOS only)

On iOS, the SQLite database can be placed in an app group, in order to make it accessible from other apps in that app group. E.g. for sharing capabilities.

To use an app group, add the app group ID as the value for the OPSQLite_AppGroup key in your project's Info.plist file. You'll also need to configure the app group in your project settings. (Xcode -> Project Settings -> Signing & Capabilities -> Add Capability -> App Groups)


MIT License.