
Web application portal for book management

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Welcome to the Book Manager!


The project conatains 3 directories frontend, backend and Photos.

To start the Backend server:

  • Goto backend folder in your terminal
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start

This should start the backend server
You can test whether the server is up or not by clicking on localhost:5000/.
This should give you We are live message!

To start the Frontend server:

  • Goto frontend folder in your terminal
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm start

This should start the frontend server
You can test whether the server is up or not by clicking on localhost:3000/.
This page will bring you to the Login page.



Email: admin@gmail.com
Password: admin


Email: user@gmail.com
Password: user


User Features

  1. Issue a book from the library
  2. Return a book already issued by the user
  3. Search a book by its Title, Author Name and Year of Publication
  4. See the most frequently issued books

Admin Features

... All the normal User features plus,

  1. Add a new Book to the library
  2. Change the number of copies of an already existing book in the library
  3. Delete a Book from the library

Please find the screenshots of different pages in Photos directory.

About the Database

The User databse contains the following fields:

  1. _id
  2. firstName (string)
  3. lastName (string)
  4. password (string)
  5. emailid (string)
  6. books (Array) [Contains the id of the books this user has issued]
  7. isAdmin (boolean)

The Books databse contains the following fields:

  1. _id
  2. title (string)
  3. author (string)
  4. year (string)
  5. copies (number) [The number of copies of this book available in the library]
  6. borrowed (number) [The number of times this book has been issued so far]