
An small application that serves as an example of an autocomplete API using elasticsearch.

Primary LanguageRuby

Autocomplete application

An small application that serves as an example of an autocomplete API using elasticsearch.


Built with

  • Ruby (2.6.3)

  • Rails (

  • PostgreSQL (10.12)


  1. Settings

1.1. Starting the project

  1. Runing commands

  2. Stopping containers


  1. docker-compose up --build

  2. docker-compose run web rails db:create

  3. docker-compose run web rails db:migrate

  4. docker-compose run web rails db:seed

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Starting the project

After the configuration is finished the project can be started like any ohter rails project

rails s

After the server is started the swagger documentation can be seen at


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Run Commands

We can also run the commands inside the containers using the command docker-compose run, specifying a container. If I want to run as web the specs, for example, I can use:

docker-compose run web bundle exec rspec

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Stop and Remove Containers

To stop a container running in the foreground, I use Ctrl-C. To stop a container in the background, I drag:

docker-compose stop db web

To stop all active containers, I can run the command without arguments, as in:

docker-compose stop

Note, however, that the stop command does not remove the containers, just to execute them. If I want to get into them again, I can use the docker-compose -f dev.yml up command and it will start the same container where I was working. To remove containers individually, we can run:

docker-compose rm db web

And we can also remove everything with:

docker-compose down

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