
A basic car market platform with the purpose of providing a personalized selection of cars to our users.


Built with

  • Ruby (2.7.2)

  • Rails (

  • PostgreSQL (10.12)


  1. Settings

1.1. Starting the project


  1. docker-compose up --build

  2. docker-compose exec backend rails db:create

  3. docker-compose exec backend rails db:migrate

  4. docker-compose exec backend rails db:seed

Make sure to run steps 2-4 on a separate terminal while you leave the command from step 1 running.

top ⇈

Starting the project

After the configuration is finished the project is already started, it can be restarted with docker-compose

docker-compose up

After the server is started the api can be seen at


Some basic documentation can be seen at


Testing can be ran, as long as the containers are up, with:

docker-compose exec web bundle exec rspec

The requested endpoint is at /car_recommendations