
Testing for - A Discord Bot for notifying of routines

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Run on Repl.it


A Discord Bot for notifying of routines

Version History


  • Created the Bot


  • Heroku procfile and npm audit fixes
  • created rt! current, rt! tomorrow, rt! day commands
  • created info.json for database storage


  • created rt!help, rt!setChannel, rt!notifications commands
  • changed output from simple text to Discord Embeds
  • created commands folder
  • moved all commands out of bot.js into their own files in commands folder


  • created functions folder
  • replaced all redundant lines of code in all commands with specific functions and defined those functions in files inside functions folder
  • finished scheduling system

v2 - The Big One

  • changed info.json into info.js and rewrote all hardcoded database info, replacing it with variables for easier changing of database
  • destructured lots of functions and commands further into smaller modules
  • implemented the database into scheduling system for:
  • New feature: Routine notifications (Currently only works in one server at a time)
  • created sendCurrent and createMessage commands to easily create and post Embeds
  • collected all time functions into file timeConvert.js
  • Deployed the bot to Heroku 🎉

v2 patch1

  • fixed Heroku's deployment problems

v2 patch2

  • thought I fixed Heroku's deployment problems

v2 patch3

  • third time's the charm?

v2 patch4

  • nope

v2 patch5


v2 patch6

  • Fixed Heroku's timezone issue

v2 patch7

  • did u really expect me to do it in one try?

v2 patch8

  • fixed Heroku's timezone issue


  • fixed Heroku's wrong date issue
  • added a notification for today's routine everyday
  • fixed wrong timing on Saturday notifications
  • standardized info.js to contain different data by server(Notifications now work on all servers)
  • modified all code to adapt to new database changes
  • added commands to the howru command
  • rt! next command added
  • rt! setchannel and rt! args made dev-only commands
  • subscribed 3 new servers to the bot

v2.1 patch1

  • fixed weird promise rejection error (with current and next commands)

v2.1 patch2

  • fixed faulty database error

v2.1 patch3

  • fixed error with notifications

v2.1 patch4

  • database patch

v2.1 patch5

  • made preClass notifications and start notifications toggle-able

v2.1 patch6

  • added 074BCT database
  • changed teachers array to contain server IDs as keys
  • added links of classes in the notifications


  • fixed notification systems not showing links
  • created auto-notifications (without needing the turn on command)
  • added some modifications 😋
  • added giveToday function as a way to call the today command

v2.2 patch1

  • modified class links after the MS Teams Update

v2.2 patch2

  • fixed bug with today's schedule not printing in the morning