
A widget that shows current Coronavirus cases.

Primary LanguagePython

Corona Widget for Polybar

This widget allows you to show the current Coronavirus cases in your area.

Example Screenshot





  1. Install python3 if you don't have it installed yet.
  2. Move coronaWidgets.py to your polybar-scripts path.
  3. Add script to polybar-config (~/.config/polybar/config)
  • Add to modules-list: screenshot
  • Add module:
type = custom/script
interval = 3600
format = <label>
exec = python ~/.config/polybar/scripts/coronaWidget.py united-states
  1. Customize arguments.

List of arguments:

usage: coronaWidget.py [-h] [-p PROVINCE] [-pre PREFIX] [-suf SUFFIX] [-ar] [-up UPARROW] [-dw DOWNARROW] [-lo] country

positional arguments:
  country               Specify the country you want to display.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PROVINCE, --province PROVINCE
                        Specify the province of the coutry you want to display.
  -pre PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
                        Specify a prefix for the printed string.
  -suf SUFFIX, --suffix SUFFIX
                        Specify a suffix for the printed string.
  -ar, --enable-arrow   Enable the arrow icon.
  -up UPARROW, --up-arrow UPARROW
                        Change the 'up'-arrow character.
  -dw DOWNARROW, --down-arrow DOWNARROW
                        Change the 'down'-arrow character.
  -lo, --enable-locale  Enable decimal points.


python ~/.config/polybar/scripts/coronaWidget.py germany -p "Bayern" -ar -lo -pre "Corona cases: "



Finding Country-names / Province names

Finding country name:

  1. Open this link in your browser and look for your country.
  2. Copy the slug-value of your country.

Finding province name:

  1. Open https://api.covid19api.com/live/country/COUNTRY-NAME/status/confirmed in your browser and look for your province.
  2. Copy the Province-value of your province.


  • Remove cache-directory:
rm -r ~/.cache/coronaWidgetPolybar/
  • Delete coronaWidget.py


If you want to add a new feature, just submit a pull request :)