
Guidelines of setting up the MHFR using docker

Primary LanguageShell



  • Docker (>= 18)
  • Docker Compose (>= 1.21.2)
  • Git (>= 2.17.1)


  1. Cloning the repository

    Clone the project to a directory of your choosing

    git clone https://github.com/Kuunika/mhfr-docker.git
    cd mhfr-docker
  2. Configuring environment variables

    • Configure the container environment file to reflect your environment

      cp .containers.env.example .containers.env
    • Configure the application(s) environment file to reflect your environment

      cp .env.example .env
  3. Running the MHFR

    After that making the configurations, run the MHFR using the following command

    docker-compose up -d