
Tool for continuously sending feature inits or output inits to USB devices.

Primary LanguageC#


Accepts newline-separated, base64-encoded feature inits or output inits. Including file output from PTK led sandbox when using the no config option.

Run either with or without command line args.

Command line args

InitSender {tablet model} {init file} {init delay} {auto repeat} {init type} {tablet vid} {tablet pid}

Tablet Model

0: Custom

1: PTK-540WL

2: PTK-640

3: PTK-840

4: PTK-1240

Init File

Relative or absolute path to the file containing newline-separated, base64-encoded feature inits or output inits.

Init Delay

Integer to use for delay between inits in miliseconds. (Use 0 for smoothest animations.)

Auto Repeat

Whether or not to loop through the init file.

1: Auto repeat

2: Do not auto repeat

Init Type

Type of init to send. For Wacom tablets you likely want Feature Init. For Xencelabs tablets you likely want Output Init.

1: Feature Init

2: Output Init

Tablet VID

Base10 integer containing the Vendor ID for tablet. Only used when Tablet Model = 0.

Tablet PID

Base10 integer containing the Product ID for tablet. Only used when Tablet Model = 0.


.Net Runtime 6.0 x64: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0


$options= @('--configuration', 'Release', '-p:PublishSingleFile=true', '-p:DebugType=embedded', '--self-contained', 'false')
dotnet publish InitSender $options --runtime win-x64 --framework net6.0 -o build/win-x64
dotnet publish InitSender $options --runtime linux-x64 --framework net6.0 -o build/linux-x64