
Full Stack Mern auth app using Tailwind CSS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Auth App

Live - Full Stack Mern Auth App using Tailwind CSS


Watch a video showcasing the project in action :

# Project Demo Timestamp/Flow:

(0:05) Project Main Page -> Check About Page -> Sign Up (Create Account) -> Successful Signup Leads to Sign In Page -> Check Created Account in Signup in MongoDB -> Also Check the Password Stored in MongoDB as Encrypted -> Use the Signin Account Details to Sign In -> Project Main Page -> Profile Page Instead of Signin or Signup Page -> Update Details from the Profile Page and Check Changes in MongoDB -> Upload Photo -> Update Photo (Reflects Throughout Components) -> Sign Out
(1:58) Sign In with Updated User Details -> Project Main Page -> Delete the Created Account -> Verify Deletion in MongoDB -> Go to Project Main Page without Signin with Google Login -> Select a Gmail to Login -> Check Auto-Generated User Details in the Profile Page -> Verify in MongoDB


  • Node.js          - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
  • npm               - Package manager for JavaScript
  • MongoDB      - NoSQL database for storing application data
  • Tailwind CSS  - Utility-first CSS framework for styling

Installation & Executing the website locally

Use the package manager npm to install Auth App - Installation

npm install -g npm

Download this repo using

git clone github-repo-url
  • Step-by-step Instruction - Frontend
Open a terminal

# get inside root dir
cd Auth-fullstack-P-2

# get into client dir
cd client

# install the dependencies 
npm install

# run client-side
npm run dev
  • Step-by-step Instruction - Backend
Open another terminal

# get inside root dir
cd Auth-fullstack-P-2

# install the dependencies 
npm install

# get into server dir
cd server

# run server-side
node .
  • Note
For running this project locally, note that certain functionalities will be unavailable due to the absence of environment variables
file specified in the .gitignore file to exclude sensitive information like API keys, Database URI. Ensure you have the necessary
configuration in your local environment.

Folder Structure

The project was made with the intent of hosting it on Render, Thus shaping it's current folder structure .

Top-level directory layout

          ├── client                   # React application source code
          │   │ 
          │   ├── src                      # React components and assets
          │        │ 
          |        ├── components                # React components and assets
          |        ├── pages                     # Individual pages of the application
          |        ├── redux                     # Redux-related files (actions, reducers)
          |        └── App.jsx                   # Main React application component
          ├── server                   # Node.js server files
          │   │ 
          │   ├── controllers              # Server-side controllers
          │   ├── models                   # Database models
          │   ├── routes                   # API routes
          │   ├── utils                    # Utility functions
          │   └── index.js                 # Main server file
          ├── swagger-autogen.js       # Swagger documentation Script
          ├── swagger.json             # API documentation
          └── README.md
Main Folder File Name Details
client src App.jsx Entry point for Frontend
server server index.js Entry point for Backend


Swagger Documentation

Explore the comprehensive API documentation with Swagger : Swagger API Documentation

Discover Key APIs - 4

1- SignUp

This endpoint is used to create a new user account.

POST /api/auth/signup

Request Body

JSON Request body in the following format:

    "username": "username",
    "email": "user@example.com",
    "password": "*********"


  • Status: 201
    "message": "User created successfully",

2- SignIn

This endpoint is used to authenticate and sign in a user. Upon successful execution, it returns the user's information including their ID, username, email, profile picture, creation and update timestamps, and a version field.

POST /api/auth/signin

Request Body

JSON Request body in the following format:

    "email": "user@example.com",
    "password": "********"


  • Status: 200
    "_id": "user_id",
    "username": "username",
    "email": "user@example.com",
    "profilePicture": "url_to_profile_picture",
    "createdAt": "timestamp",
    "updatedAt": "timestamp",
    "__v": 0

3- Update

This endpoint is used to update a specific user's information. The HTTP POST request should be sent to

POST /api/user/update/{id}

Request Body

JSON Request body in the following format:

Not Required


  • Status: 200
    "_id": "user_id",
    "username": "username",
    "email": "user@example.com",
    "profilePicture": "url_to_profile_picture",
    "createdAt": "timestamp",
    "updatedAt": "timestamp",
    "__v": 0

4- Delete

This HTTP DELETE request is used to delete a specific user with the given ID.

DELETE /api/user/delete/{id}

Request Body

JSON Request body in the following format:

Not Required


  • Status: 200
  "User has been deleted..."

Status Codes

Auth App returns the following status codes in its API:

Status Code Description
200 OK

Dependencies used


  • react-router-dom
  • @reduxjs/toolkit
  • redux-persist
  • firebase
  • tailwindcss


  • bcryptjs
  • jsonwebtoken
  • mongoose
  • cookie-parser


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Authors Note

While I was the main developer of this MERN stack project, this project couldn't have even started without the help of these open-source projects, special thanks to:

Version History

  • 0.2
  • 0.1
    • Initial Release


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE Tab for details


Inspiration, code snippets, etc.