
A Full Stack Hotel Booking App

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Easy Booking

Live - Full Stack Booking Web App with User-friendly Interface


Watch a video showcasing the project in action:



  • Node.js          - JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
  • npm               - Package manager for JavaScript
  • MongoDB      - NoSQL database for storing application data
  • Tailwind CSS  - Utility-first CSS framework for styling

Installation & Executing the website locally

Use the package manager npm to install Auth App - Installation

npm install -g npm

Download this repo using

git clone https://github.com/Kuwar20/Easy-Booking
  • Step-by-step Instruction - Frontend
Open a terminal

# get inside frontend dir 
cd "Mern Booking App/frontend"

# install the dependencies 
npm install

# run frontend
npm run dev
  • Step-by-step Instruction - Backend
Open another terminal

# get inside backend dir
cd "Mern Booking App/backend"

# install the dependencies 
npm install

# run backend
npm run dev

# run backend for test
npm run e2e
  • Note
For running this project locally, note that certain functionalities will be unavailable due to the absence of environment variables
file specified in the .gitignore file to exclude sensitive information like API keys, Database URI. Ensure you have the necessary
configuration in your local environment.

Backend Configuration

  1. Environment Files: Navigate to the backend folder and create two files: .env and .env.e2e. Add the following contents to both files:

     # Cloudinary Variables
     # Stripe

Frontend Configuration

  1. Environment Files: Navigate to the frontend folder and create .env file. Add the following contents to both files:

     # Stripe

Folder Structure

The project was made with the intent of hosting it on Render, Thus shaping it's current folder structure .

Top-level directory layout

     ├── backend   
     |   |
     │   ├── src 
     |   |   |
     │   │   ├── routes                # API routes
     │   │   ├── middleware            # Middleware functions
     │   │   ├── models                # Data models
     │   │   └── index.ts              # Entry point for backend
     |   |
     │   └── README.md             
     ├── e2e-test  
     |   |
     │   ├── playwright-report        # Report generated by Playwright
     │   ├── test-results             # Results of tests
     │   └── tests                    # Test scripts
     │       └── auth.spec.ts           
     ├── frontend
     |   |
     │   ├── src   
     |   |   |
     │   │   ├── components            # Reusable UI components
     │   │   ├── contexts              # React contexts
     │   │   ├── layouts               # Page layouts
     │   │   ├── pages                 # Individual pages/views
     │   │   ├── api-client.ts         # API client configuration
     │   │   └── App.tsx               # Entry point for frontend
     |   |
     │   └── README.md              
     └── README.md                     # Project-wide documentation
Main Folder File Name Details
frontend src App.tsx Entry point for Frontend
backend src index.ts Entry point for Backend

Dependencies used


  • react-router-dom
  • tailwindcss
  • State Management: React Query
  • Form Handling: React Hook Form
  • UI Components: Material Tailwind, React Icons
  • Date Picker: React Datepicker
  • Payment Integration: Stripe (via @stripe/react-stripe-js and @stripe/stripe-js)


  • Framework: Express.js
  • Image Storage: Cloudinary
  • Validation: Express Validator
  • Middleware: CORS, Cookie Parser
  • Development Utilities: Nodemon, TypeScript
  • jsonwebtoken
  • mongoose
  • multer


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Authors Note

While I was the main developer of this MERN stack project, this project couldn't have even started without the help of these open-source projects, special thanks to:

Version History

  • 0.4
    • Made Responsive for Smaller Screens
  • 0.3
  • 0.2
  • 0.1
    • Initial Release


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE Tab for details


Inspiration, code snippets, etc.