
Application for learning English language.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

RS Lang

Application for learning English language.


  • react
  • redux
  • react-router
  • typescript


  • material-ui
  • styled-components
  • devexpress(for charts)

Testing libraries:

  • Jest
  • React testing library

Additional tools:

  • eslint
  • prettier

To start application you need to perform two steps:

  1. npm ci
  2. npm run start

Application will start at port 3000

To specify link to backend application you need to provide environment variable REACT_APP_API on start-up. Alternatevly you can create .env file in the root folder of frontend application and specify single line:


value can be changed based on your backend application url. Note that for local deployment you need to use http instead of https


  • Node.JS
  • Express
  • mongoose
  • helmet

To start application locally you need perform such steps:

  • npm ci
  • npm run start:dev

Application will start at port 3001

Additionaly you need to create .env file in backend application root directory and specify such variables in it:


NOTE that specified values is not real values and if you really want to start application locally please contact any team member

Second NOTE: UI application points to backend application that is deployed on heroku. If you want to point it to your local build then you need to change value on REACT_APP_API in .env file stored in UI repository