Content description ------------------- ClassInitGenerator - A tool used to generate Initializer.Generated.cs files in libraries. Console - ir.exe, ir64.exe Docs - Implementation documents. IronRuby.Tests - Targetted compiler and runtime unit tests hosted in a C# test harness. Libraries - Builtin modules (IronRuby.Libraries.dll). Libraries.Yaml - YAML standard library (IronRuby.Libraries.Yaml.dll). Libs - Includes IronRuby specific libraries. Public - Misc files included in IronRuby.msi. Ruby - Core compiler and runtime (IronRuby.dll) Samples - samples included in IronRuby.msi Scripts - Infrastructure scripts and helpers. StdLib - Ruby standard library distributed in IronRuby.msi. - The content is a copy of MRI 1.9.2 standard library with the following changes: i386-mingw32 directory removed - *.so files need to be reimplemented in IronRuby.Libraries.dll - rbconfig.rb is replaced by the one in Languages\Ruby\Libs complex18.rb and rational18.rb are taken from MRI 1.8.6 - this should be replaced by IronRuby's own implementation of Complex and Rational builtins in future gem_prelude.rb taked from Ruby 1.9.2 source distribution and adapted - should be replaced by an implementation in IronRuby.Libraries.dll Tests - Test suites. Please see for information on: - Setting up a development environment with easy access to utility scripts - Building - Running test