My entry for coding challenge for Chesuto project.
- Basic chess mechanics (with changes according to Chesuto rules)
- Implemented cards:
- Recruitment
- Strengthened Rise
- Claymore of Rush
- Random AI
- Added main menu where you can build the deck for the next game
- Implemented "Cruel Crusade" card
- "Strengthened Rise" cards no longer stack
- UI fixes:
- Added "Cancel" button that allows cancel activation of cards like "Recruitment" or "Claymore of Rush"
- Added selection swap
- Bug fixes:
- AI player decides pawn promotion for itself
- Fixed bug where AI player would make its move before the player decides on pawn promotion
First version of the project. Includes basic chess mechanics (with changes according to Chesuto rules), basic cards mechanics, implementation of three cards ("Recruitment", "Strengthened Rise", "Claymore of Rush"), random AI as black player.