Inspired my Aunt who survived the Last Stage Cancer and Decided to work on the Gap which she faced

ABC - All together for Breast Cancer Warriors

1. To detect the cancer by unique symptom and it's syndrome to prevent the last stage

2. People can relate and inspire from the one who are like themselves, fighting in the same situation and have came out from it with the flying colors like my aunt, here the can share their daily routine during the fight and people who got fit can give suggestion.

3. To provide the consultancies from the best doctors and specialist by getting the rating from those who got cured from them.

4. Providing them suggestion of Diet and Yoga which could help them to prevent the metastatic and spreading in other organs.

Table of Contents


This project is an open-source initiative aimed at spreading awareness about Breast Cancer. The website provides information on symptoms, treatments, frequently asked questions, and statistics related to breast cancer. The project is developed for GeeksforGeeks Hackathon Event.

Key Features

  • Detailed information on Breast Cancer symptoms and treatments.
  • Statistics and data visualizations related to Breast Cancer incidence rates.
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQs) section for quick reference.
  • Open-source nature, allowing contributions from the community.

Project Structure

The project structure is organized as follows:

  • index.html: Main page of the website.
  • symptoms.html: Page containing information on Breast Cancer symptoms.
  • treatment.html: Page providing details on Breast Cancer treatments.
  • contact.html: Contact page for reaching out to the project team.
  • faq.html: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.
  • assets/: Directory containing media files, stylesheets, and JavaScript.
  • This file, providing essential information about the project.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone

Site live at:https: Site.