
dashboards-v2-eugeneboyah created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageHTML

Review Assignment Due Date


KIT-Cohort-III CSS Dashboards Project

This is a CSS-based project for week II of your CSS course. It is intended to build up and reinforce your CSS skills. You wouldn't need Javascript for most of the work you will be doing, but feel free to implement Javascript if the need arises.

You are required to follow the mockups provided in the mockups folder located in the root directory of this project.
The due date for this project is December 10, 2023, at 3 pm.

Useful Resources:

  • Chart.js: https://www.chartjs.org/
  • Highcharts: https://www.highcharts.com/

  • Grading Rubric:

    Criteria Points
    Responsiveness 20
    Completeness 60
    UI Design 20

    Best wishes and happy coding!