
Cross-browser QRCode generator for pure javascript. Supports Title, Subtitle and Logo image settings. 跨浏览器纯 JavaScript 二维码生成库。支持设置二维码标题,子标题和 Logo 图片。

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


EasyQRCodeJS 是一个基于 QRCodeJS 的跨浏览器的纯 JavaScript QRCode 生成库。并支持二维码图片标题,副标题生成,Logo 图片生成。

EasyQRCodeJS is a Cross-Browser pure JavaScript QRCode generation library based on QRCodeJS. And support two-dimensional code picture title, subtitle generation, Logo image generation.


  • 中文

    • 跨浏览器,支持基于 HTML5 Canvas 和 table 的二维码生成。

    • 支持为二维码生成设置标题,副标题

    • 支持为二维码生成添加 Logo 图片

    • 不依赖任何第三方

  • English

    • Cross-Browser that supports HTML5 Canvas and table.

    • Support for setting the title and subtitle

    • Supports adding Logo images

    • Has no dependencies.




  • Download install/下载安装

     <script src="dist/easy.qrcode.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
  • Npm install/Npm 安装

     npm install easyqrcodejs

Basic Usages

<div id="qrcode"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
	new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), "https://github.com/ushelp/EasyQRCodeJS");

or with some options

<div id="qrcode"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
	var qrcode = new QRCode(document.getElementById("qrcode"), {
		text: "https://github.com/ushelp/EasyQRCodeJS",
		width: 256,
		height: 256,
		colorDark : "#000000",
		colorLight : "#ffffff",
		correctLevel : QRCode.CorrectLevel.H,
		// ==== Title
		title: 'QR Title', // content 
		titleFont: "bold 18px Arial", //font. default is "bold 16px Arial"
		titleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "#000"
		titleBgColor: "#fff", // background color. default is "#fff"
		titleHeight: 70, // height, including subTitle. default is 50
		titleTop: 25, // draws y coordinates. default is 30
		// ==== SubTitle
		subTitle: 'QR subTitle', // content
		subTitleFont: "14px Arial", // font. default is "14px Arial"
		subTitleColor: "#004284", // color. default is "gray"
		subTitleTop: 40, // draws y coordinates. default is 50
		// ==== Logo
		logo:"../demo/logo.png", // Relative address, relative to `easy.qrcode.min.js`
	//	logo:"", 
	//	logoWidth:80, // widht. default is automatic width
	//	logoHeight:80 // height. default is automatic height

and you can use some methods

qrcode.clear(); // clear the code.
qrcode.makeCode("http://naver.com"); // make another code.

Browser Compatibility

IE6~10, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Mobile Safari, Android, Windows Mobile, ETC.


MIT License








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