
Implementation of Kaneko et al.'s MaskCycleGAN-VC model for non-parallel voice conversion.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Unofficial PyTorch implementation of Kaneko et al.'s MaskCycleGAN-VC (2021) for non-parallel voice conversion.

MaskCycleGAN-VC is the state of the art method for non-parallel voice conversion using CycleGAN. It is trained using a novel auxiliary task of filling in frames (FIF) by applying a temporal mask to the input Mel-spectrogram. It demonstrates marked improvements over prior models such as CycleGAN-VC (2018), CycleGAN-VC2 (2019), and CycleGAN-VC3 (2020).

Figure1: MaskCycleGAN-VC Training

Figure2: MaskCycleGAN-VC Generator Architecture

Figure3: MaskCycleGAN-VC PatchGAN Discriminator Architecture

Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2102.12841.pdf

Repository Contributors: Claire Pajot, Hikaru Hotta, Sofian Zalouk

추가 사항

  • 이 모델은 Voice conversion의 일종으로, source voice를 target voice로 변환해줍니다.
  • 모든 음성 파일은 wav로 22050 sampling rate를 가집니다.

Linux 환경에서 임의의 sampling rate로 된 wav 파일을 22050으로 바꾸는 코드는 다음과 같습니다.


# 필요한 툴 설치: sox
sudo apt install sox
# 입력 폴더와 출력 폴더 경로 설정

# 입력 폴더 내의 WAV 파일들에 대해 반복
for file in "$input_folder"/*.wav; do
    # 파일명 추출
    filename=$(basename "$file")
    # 새로운 파일 경로 설정
    # SoX를 사용하여 샘플링 속도 변경 (샘플링 속도: 22050)
    sox "$file" -r 22050 -c 1 -b 16 "$output_file" vol 0.5 dither -s 

파이썬 관련:
Python version: 3.8.16

pip install -r requirements.txt
This requirements file make you install pytorch==1.10.1, but you can may install more higher version if you need.
The above behavior(version update) may occur error, but in pytorch==1.13.1+cu117, the error does not occure.

실행 순서

  1. python 3.8로 가상환경 만들기
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt로 필요한 packages 설치하기.

-> pytorch 버전은 CUDA version에 맞춰도 될듯.

  1. Dataset 설치하기 (보니까 Backend process로 설치되는듯?)

3.1. wget --no-check-certificate https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10283/3061/vcc2018_database_training.zip?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
3.2. wget --no-check-certificate https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10283/3061/vcc2018_database_evaluation.zip?sequence=3&isAllowed=y
3.3. wget --no-check-certificate https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10283/3061/vcc2018_database_reference.zip?sequence=5&isAllowed=y
3.4. mkdir vcc2018
3.5. unzip vcc2018_database_training.zip?sequence=2 -d vcc2018/
3.6. unzip vcc2018_database_evaluation.zip?sequence=3 -d vcc2018/
3.7. unzip vcc2018_database_reference.zip?sequence=5 -d vcc2018/
3.8. mv -v vcc2018/vcc2018_reference/* vcc2018/vcc2018_evaluation
3.9. rm -rf vcc2018/vcc2018_reference
3.10. vcc2018 아래에 vcc2018_training과 vcc2018_evaluation이 생긴 것을 확인.

  1. 준비된 source와 target wav 파일의 sampling rate를 22050으로 변환하기.
  2. source와 target wav 파일들을 vcc2018/vcc2018_training/SOURCE_DIR/여기와 vcc2018/vcc2018_training/TARGET_DIR/여기에 넣기.

TARGET이 여러개인 경우, TARGET1_DIR, TARGET2_DIR 이렇게 해도 됨. (사실 디렉토리 이름은 상관 없음.)

  1. 데이터 전처리하기.

6.1. bash_scripts의 preprocessing.sh에서 DATA_DIRECTORY와 PREPROCESSED_DATA_DIRECTORY를 자신의 환경에 맞게 수정하기.

DATA_DIRECTORY는 3번 과정에서 만든 ~~~~/vcc2018_training이고, PREPRECESSED_DATA_DIRECTORY는 프로그램이 자동으로 생성할 precessed data의 위치로, 단순히 위치만 지정하면 됨. ex) ~/Graduate.MaskCycleGAN-VC/vcc_2018_preprocessed/vcc2018_training
speaker_id는 5번 과정에서 언급한 SOURCE_DIR과 TARGET_DIR 또는 TARGET1_DIR, TARGET2_DIR을 공백으로 분리하여 넣으면 됨.

  1. Training 시작.

--name: ckpt가 저장될 이름.
--preprocessed_data_dir: 6.1.에서 지정한 PREPRECESSED_DATA_DIRECTORY
--speaker_A_id: 5.에서 언급한 SOURCE_DIR
--speaker_B_id: 5.에서 언급한 TARGET_DIR
--continue_train: checkpoint를 이용하여 training을 계속함.

아마 다른 설정은 동일한 상태로 continue_train을 지정하면 --save_dir과 --name을 이용해서 프로그램이 자동으로 .ckpt 파일을 찾는듯.(혹은 .tar or .pth)

  1. Test 시작.

기본적인 건 training과 동일.
--ckpt_dir: checkpoint의 경로 ex) results/any_name/ckpts
--load_epoch: 가장 최근에 저장된 checkpoint epoch 횟수

ckpts 폴더 아래의 .pth.tar 파일명의 앞 숫자들을 의미 ex) 00025_discriminator_A.pth.tar 파일에서는 00025가 load_epoch

You should refer MaskCycleGAN-VC를 이용하여 음성 오디오의 음색 바꾸기


Clone the repository.

git clone git@github.com:GANtastic3/MaskCycleGAN-VC.git
cd MaskCycleGAN-VC

Create the conda environment.

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate MaskCycleGAN-VC

VCC2018 Dataset

The authors of the paper used the dataset from the Spoke task of Voice Conversion Challenge 2018 (VCC2018). This is a dataset of non-parallel utterances from 6 male and 6 female speakers. Each speaker utters approximately 80 sentences.

Download the dataset from the command line.

wget --no-check-certificate https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10283/3061/vcc2018_database_training.zip?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
wget --no-check-certificate https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10283/3061/vcc2018_database_evaluation.zip?sequence=3&isAllowed=y
wget --no-check-certificate https://datashare.ed.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/10283/3061/vcc2018_database_reference.zip?sequence=5&isAllowed=y

Unzip the dataset file.

mkdir vcc2018
apt-get install unzip
unzip vcc2018_database_training.zip?sequence=2 -d vcc2018/
unzip vcc2018_database_evaluation.zip?sequence=3 -d vcc2018/
unzip vcc2018_database_reference.zip?sequence=5 -d vcc2018/
mv -v vcc2018/vcc2018_reference/* vcc2018/vcc2018_evaluation
rm -rf vcc2018/vcc2018_reference

Data Preprocessing

To expedite training, we preprocess the dataset by converting waveforms to melspectograms, then save the spectrograms as pickle files <speaker_id>normalized.pickle and normalization statistics (mean, std) as npz files <speaker_id>_norm_stats.npz. We convert waveforms to spectrograms using a melgan vocoder to ensure that you can decode voice converted spectrograms to waveform and listen to your samples during inference.

python data_preprocessing/preprocess_vcc2018.py \
  --data_directory vcc2018/vcc2018_training \
  --preprocessed_data_directory vcc2018_preprocessed/vcc2018_training \
python data_preprocessing/preprocess_vcc2018.py \
  --data_directory vcc2018/vcc2018_evaluation \
  --preprocessed_data_directory vcc2018_preprocessed/vcc2018_evaluation \


Train MaskCycleGAN-VC to convert between <speaker_A_id> and <speaker_B_id>. You should start to get excellent results after only several hundred epochs.

python -W ignore::UserWarning -m mask_cyclegan_vc.train \
    --name mask_cyclegan_vc_<speaker_id_A>_<speaker_id_B> \
    --seed 0 \
    --save_dir results/ \
    --preprocessed_data_dir vcc2018_preprocessed/vcc2018_training/ \
    --speaker_A_id <speaker_A_id> \
    --speaker_B_id <speaker_B_id> \
    --epochs_per_save 100 \
    --epochs_per_plot 10 \
    --num_epochs 6172 \
    --batch_size 1 \
    --lr 5e-4 \
    --decay_after 1e4 \
    --sample_rate 22050 \
    --num_frames 64 \
    --max_mask_len 25 \
    --gpu_ids 0 \

To continue training from a previous checkpoint in the case that training is suspended, add the argument --continue_train while keeping all others the same. The model saver class will automatically load the most recently saved checkpoint and resume training.

Launch Tensorboard in a separate terminal window.

tensorboard --logdir results/logs


Test your trained MaskCycleGAN-VC by converting between <speaker_A_id> and <speaker_B_id> on the evaluation dataset. Your converted .wav files are stored in results/<name>/converted_audio.

python -W ignore::UserWarning -m mask_cyclegan_vc.test \
    --name mask_cyclegan_vc_VCC2SF3_VCC2TF1 \
    --save_dir results/ \
    --preprocessed_data_dir vcc2018_preprocessed/vcc2018_evaluation \
    --gpu_ids 0 \
    --speaker_A_id VCC2SF3 \
    --speaker_B_id VCC2TF1 \
    --ckpt_dir /data1/cycleGAN_VC3/mask_cyclegan_vc_VCC2SF3_VCC2TF1/ckpts \
    --load_epoch 500 \
    --model_name generator_A2B \

Toggle between A->B and B->A conversion by setting --model_name as either generator_A2B or generator_B2A.

Select the epoch to load your model from by setting --load_epoch.

Code Organization

├── README.md                       <- Top-level README.
├── environment.yml                 <- Conda environment
├── .gitignore
├── args
│   ├── base_arg_parser             <- arg parser
│   ├── train_arg_parser            <- arg parser for training (inherits base_arg_parser)
│   ├── cycleGAN_train_arg_parser   <- arg parser for training MaskCycleGAN-VC (inherits train_arg_parser)
│   ├── cycleGAN_test_arg_parser    <- arg parser for testing MaskCycleGAN-VC (inherits base_arg_parser)
├── bash_scripts
│   ├── mask_cyclegan_train.sh      <- sample script to train MaskCycleGAN-VC
│   ├── mask_cyclegan_test.sh       <- sample script to test MaskCycleGAN-VC
├── data_preprocessing
│   ├── preprocess_vcc2018.py       <- preprocess VCC2018 dataset
├── dataset
│   ├── vc_dataset.py               <- torch dataset class for MaskCycleGAN-VC
├── logger
│   ├── base_logger.sh              <- logging to Tensorboard
│   ├── train_logger.sh             <- logging to Tensorboard during training (inherits base_logger)
├── saver
│   ├── model_saver.py              <- saves and loads models
├── mask_cyclegan_vc
│   ├── model.py                    <- defines MaskCycleGAN-VC model architecture
│   ├── train.py                    <- training script for MaskCycleGAN-VC
│   ├── test.py                     <- training script for MaskCycleGAN-VC
│   ├── utils.py                    <- utility functions to train and test MaskCycleGAN-VC


This repository was inspired by jackaduma's implementation of CycleGAN-VC2.