Repository for ESC SPRING activities

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Individual Sutdies

Date Main Session(Bayesian Statistics)
Every Thur.
Data Analysis Session
Every Sat.
Week 0(2/24) Orientation - Brief Intro. to this semester's materials
Week 1(3/04) Likelihood and Prior (FCB Chapter 1, 2)
Week 2(3/11, 3/13) One-parameter and Noraml model (FCB Chapter 3) EDA
Week 3(3/18) One-parameter and Normal model (FCB Chapter 4)
Week 4(3/25, 3/27) One-parameter and Normal model (FCB Chapter 5) Modeling 1
Week 5(4/01) Multivariate Normal model (FCB Chapter 7)
Week 6(4/08, 4/10) Bayesian Hierarchical Models (FCB Chapter 8) Modeling 2
Midterm Exam
Week 7(5/06, 5/08) MCMC and Diagnosis (FCB Chapter 6, 10) TBD
Week 8(5/13) MCMC and Diagnosis (FCB Chapter 6, 10)
Week 9(5/20, 5/22) Bayesian Linear Regression (FCB Chapter 9) TBD
Week 10(5/27) Bayesian Linear Regression (FCB Chapter 9)
Week 11(6/03, 6/05) Final Project TBD
Final Exam and End of Semester!!

중간 이후의 토요일 일정은 친목을 위한 행사 및 연사특강 등으로 배정될 예정입니다~

세션 영상 유튜브 링크

[ESC 2021-1] 210224 Orientation - Brief Intro. to this semester's materials

[ESC 2021-1] 210304 Week1 Likelihood and Prior (FCB Chapter 1, 2)

Hun-Learning Bayesian Statistics



First Course in Bayesian Statistical Methods, Hoff