Raspberry Pi Thermostat interface

A responsive web interface for controlling a Raspberry Pi thermostat.


This is based on project I did back when I was in university: creating a smart thermostat that could be controlled both with a web interface and through manual controls.

The original implementation was in PHP (web interface) and C# (micro-controller) and I wasn't quite happy about it and, on top of that, it was based on a custom micro-controller which was quite expensive (but provided by the university :P ).

I decided then to reimplement what I did in PHP with Python and a Raspberry Pi.



  • A raspberry Pi
  • A thermistor to detect the temperature
  • Buttons*
  • A monochromatic display*

* Only if you want physical controls


  • Python 3
  • pip

Once you have pip, the other requirements can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt

Starting up

The web interface can be started by launching python3 run.py and is reachable at port 8080. Here's how it should look:



Control temperature

Weekly Control

Inside the code


The web interface is based on Python and web.py micro-framework. Code for the different pages is at routes/

Pages are created with Jinja2 templating engine. All pages are responsive and built with Zurb Foundation CSS Framework. There is some Javascript (jQuery) to sweeten the user experience. They are in templates/ folder.

Data is saved using a sqlite db. A sample database is already provided (thermostat.db), but one can be created with createDB.py.

The temperature reading and control is inside Thermostat.py


  • The web interface is mostly OK. I wanted to implement a route (/stats) to display some historical data on graphs.
  • The temperature reading should be ok if using the thermistor. Since I am not on a budget anymore, I would buy a proper temperature sensor.
  • Setting the temperature with physical controls needs to be implemented
  • Dispaying the current temperature needs to be implemented. If you do that, you need a display to wire up on the RPi.