
A modular script for OSX inspired notifications based on lemonbar

Primary LanguageShell


Lemontify: OSX-inspired notifications based on lemobar

Usage: ./lemontify -p {audio|bcklight|bright|kbdlight} [-h | -v | -i | -d | -o | -m | -t | -e | -r | -s <val> | -a text]

Description Command
-h|--help Show this help
-v|--verbose Print verbose output
-i|--inc Increase current level
-d|--dec Decreasse current level
-o|--off Set current level to off
-m|--max Set current level to max
-t|--toggle Toggle on
-e|--empty Print empty squares (default=false)
-r|--ramp Ramp icon based on level (default=false)
-l|--line Print as one line (disable multiline)
-s|--step <val> Set increment
-a|--text <val> Print additonal output text
-p|--provider <val> Set the current provider
Set audio volume
Set screen backlight
Set screen brightness (xrandr)
Set keyboard LEDs

For more information see my reddit post: here or direct link to reddit video